ABC | activity based costing |
ABD | all but dissertation |
ABL | Absolutely bloody last |
ACD | Automatic Call Director |
AFK | Away from Keyboard |
AGV | automatic guided vehicle |
AHT | Average Handle Time |
AIM | Agile Intelligent Manufacturing |
AMH | automated material handling |
ANOVA | analysis of variance |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
AOQ | Average Outgoing Quality |
AOQL | Average outgoing quality level |
APICS | American Production and Inventory Control Society |
APT | Automatic programmed tools |
AQL | Acceptable Quality Level |
AQL | average quality level |
AS/RS | automated storage and retrieval system |
ASA | Average Speed of Answer |
ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange |
ASN | Average Sample Number |
ASQC | American society of quality control |
ATI | Average Total Inspection |
ATP | available to promise |
BFA | Bloody freaking awful |
BFD | big fat (or other word of your choice starting with F) deal |
BMOC | big man on campus |
BOHICA | Bend Over, Here It Comes Again! |
BOM | bill of materials |
BPR | Business Process Re-engineering |
BTW | By the way |
C&E | Cause and Effect |
CAD | computer aided design |
CAD/CAM | Computer Aided Design/Manufacture |
CAE | Computer Aided Engineering |
CAIT | computer aided inspection and test |
CAM | computer aided manufacturing |
CAPP | computer aided Process planning |
CAR | Corrective Action Request |
CASE | computer aided systems engineering |
CAT | computer aided testing |
CC | Call Centre |
CEO | Chief Executive Officer |
CFO | Chief Financial Officer |
CFPIM | certified in production and inventory management at fellow level |
CIB | computer integrated business |
CIF | cost, insurance, and freight |
CIM | Computer Integrated Manufacturing |
CLM | Career limiting move |
CLSP | capacitated lot sizing problem |
CLV | Customer Lifetime Value |
CNC | computer numerically controlled |
COQ | Cost of Quality |
CP/M | Computer Process Manager |
CPA | certified public accountant |
CPH | Calls Per Hour; Average number of calls that a TSR handles per hour |
CPI | continuous process improvement |
CPIM | certified in production and inventory management |
CPM | certified purchasing manager |
CPM | critical path method |
CPU | central processing unit |
CQE | certified quality engineer |
CQI | Continuous Quality Improvement |
CQT | certified quality technician |
CR | critical ratio |
CRP | capacity requirements planning |
CRT | cathode ray tube |
CSF | Critical Success Factor |
CSI | Customer Satisfaction Index |
CSP | continuous sampling plan |
CTI | Computer-Telephone Integration unit |
CTS | Contact Tracking Software |
CWQC | company wide quality control |
CWQI | Company-Wide Quality Improvement |
DDLT | demand during lead time |
DEA | data envelopment analysis (1/2 credit for drug enforcement agency) |
DFA | design for assembly |
DFM | Design For Manufacturability |
DFX | design for X(X being the goal or attribute of your choice) |
DNC | direct numerically controlled |
DOA | dead on arrival |
DOE | Design of Experiments |
DRP | distribution requirements planning |
DSS | decision support system |
DTF | demand time fence |
ECN | engineering change notice |
ECO | engineering change order |
EDD | earliest due date first |
EDDLT | expected demand during lead time |
EDI | electronic data interchange |
EI | employee involvement |
EIS | executive information system |
ELC | Employee Learning Centre |
EOH | ending on-hand inventory |
EOQ | economic order quantity |
EPLS | economic production lot size |
FAS | final assembly schedule |
FCFS | first come first serve |
FEW | Federal Employed Women |
FIFO | first in first out |
FMBA | Financial Management & Business Analysis |
FMC | flexible machining center |
FMEA | Failure Mode Effects Analysis |
FMS | Flexible Manufacturing System |
FOB | freight on board |
FOE | Factory Overall Efficiency |
FPO | firm planned order |
FTA | Fault Tree Analysis |
FTZ | free trade zone |
FUBAR | #$!#$%!$@! |
FYI | For Your Information |
GAAP | generally accepted accounting practices |
GT | group technology |
GUT | Grand Unified Theory |
HALT | Highly Accelerated Life Testing |
HLL | high level language |
HRD | Human Resource Development |
HRM | Human Resources Management |
IIE | institute of industrial engineers |
IMS | Integrated Management Services |
IMS | Intelligent Manufacturing Systems |
IRR | internal rate of return |
ISO | International Standards Organization |
IVR | Interactive Voice Response unit |
JIT | Just In Time |
JUSE | Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers |
KPI | Key Performance Indicator |
KPR | Key Performance Report |
L4L | lot for lot |
LAN | local area network |
LBO | leveraged buy out |
LCL | less than car load |
LCL | lower control limit |
LIFO | last in first out |
LIMIT | lotsize inventory management interpolation technique |
LOB | line of balance |
LPC | Least Preffered CoWorker |
LRC | Learning Resources Centre (Library) |
LSL | lower specification limit |
LT | lead time |
LTL | less than truck load |
LTPD | lot tolerance percent defective |
MAD | mean absolute deviation |
MANOVA | multivariate analysis of variance |
MAP | manufacturing automation protocol |
MAPE | mean absolute percentage error |
MBO | Management by Objectives |
MBWA | Management by Walking Around |
MDS | material dominated scheduling |
MEOST | Multiple Environment Overstress Tests |
MI | manufacturing instruction |
MILSPEC | Military specification |
MIS | management information systems |
MPS | master production schedule |
MRB | material review board |
MRO | maintenance repair and operating supplies |
MRP | Material Requirements Planning |
mrp | material requirements planning |
MRP | material resource planning |
MRPII | manufacturing resource planning |
MSE | mean square error |
MTBF | Mean Time Between Failures |
MTM | motion-time methods |
MTTF | Mean time to failure |
MTTR | Mean time to restore/repair |
NC | numerically controlled |
NFG | No freaking good |
NFW | No freaking way |
NIH | Not Invented Here |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
NMJ | Not My Job |
NOAC | Next Operation As Customer |
NPV | net present value |
NTED | no touch exchange of die |
OC | operating characteristic (curves) |
OCC | Percent agent occupancy |
OCD | Organisational Change and Development |
OCR | optical character recognition |
OEM | original equipment manufacturing |
OFI | Opportunities for Improvement |
OFS | Out-freaking-standing |
OIH | Organisationally Induced Helplessness |
OJT | on the job training |
OPT | optimized production technology |
OS/D | over, short, or damaged |
OTED | one touch exchange of die |
PAC | Production activity control (1/2 credit for political action committee) |
PDCA | Plan Do Check Act |
PDQ | Pretty Damn Quick |
PERT | program evaluation and review technique |
PFS | process flow scheduling |
PFS | Pretty freaking stupid |
PIMS | Profit Impact of Market Strategy |
PLC | programmable logic controller |
PO | purchase order |
Poka-Yoke | Prevention of operator-controllable defects |
POM | Production & Operations Management |
PONQ | Price of Non-Quality |
POQ | periodic order quantity |
POS | point of sale |
PPB | part period balancing |
QA | Quality Assurance |
QC | quality control, quality circles |
QFD | Quality Function Deployment |
QWL | Quality of Working Life |
RBI | runs batted in |
RCA | Request for Corrective Action |
RCCP | rough cut capacity planning |
RCH | Very small/thin measurement |
RFN | Immediately |
RFP | request for proposal |
RFQ | request for quote |
RFT | Right First Time |
RMA | Return Merchandise Authorization |
ROA | Return On Assets |
ROI | Return On Investment |
ROI | Return on Investment |
ROP | reorder point |
RPD | robust product design |
SBQ | standard batch quantity |
SBU | Strategic Business Unit |
SCAR | Supplier Corrective Action Request |
SEP | Somebody else's problem |
SFA | A very small amount; Sweet Fanny Adams |
SFC | shop floor control |
SIC | standard industrial code |
SKU | stock keeping unit |
SME | small management enterprise |
SMED | single minute exchange of die |
SNAFU | situation normal, all fouled up |
SPC | Statistical Process Control |
SPC | Stop Producing Crap |
SPT | shortest processing time first |
SQC | Statistical Quality Control |
SQL | structured query language |
SQM | Strategic quality management |
TEI | total employee involvement |
TKO | technical knock-out |
TL | truck load lot |
TLA | Three Letter Acronym |
TMI | Team Management Index |
TOC | Theory of Constraints |
TOE | Theory of Everything |
TOP | technical/office protocol |
TPM | Total Productive Maintenance |
TPM | total preventative or (productivity) maintenance |
TPOP | time phase order point |
TQC | Total Quality Control |
TQI | Total Quality Improvement |
TQM | Total Quality Management |
TRC | total relevant cost |
TSR | Telephone Service Representative |
TWK | total work content |
UCL | upper control limit |
UNA | Use No Acronyms |
USL | upper specification limit |
VDT | video display terminal |
VDU | video display unit |
VMS | visual management systems |
VRU | Voice Response Unit |
WIP | work in process |
WWW | World-Wide Web |
XFT | Cross Functional Team |