Department of Statistics

Scholarships and Research Funding Grants

This information has been gleaned from various sources. This webpage is updated (usually) at least once a week so please check it continually!

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of all scholarships available. More and more links will be added over time.

Some groups of scholarships are available to specifically to international students and Maori and Pacific island students.

Except for "Research Funding Grants" below, this webpage is mainly aimed at postgraduate students although there are many opportunities to undergraduates too.

Latest news

This Section lists scholarships that have just come up or whose deadline is soon.

  • Not a scholarship; just a job:
    PhD Position in Biostatistics at Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona 
    Advanced Statistical Methods for Cytogenetic Radiation Biodosimetry 
    PhD programme in Mathematics.
    This is a cross disciplinary collaborative PhD position funded
    by the UK Health Protection Agency (HPA) and registered at the
    Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB) in Spain. The project will
    provide a unique opportunity to contribute to the development of
    new approaches for statistical analysis of DNA-damage data for
    the purposes of characterising radiation dose.
    LOCATION: Research will be carried out jointly between the two
    centres, with approximately 50% of time spent at UAB and 50%
    of time spent at HPA (UK).
    DURATION: 3 years; approximate start date of September 2012.
    SALARY:£15.740/year (approx. €19.284/year or €1.607/month)
    SUPERVISORS - Drs Liz Ainsbury and Kai Rothkamm at HPA Chilton
    and Professor Pere Puig at UAB.
    Interested applicants should send a CV, and a letter of interest. The deadline for applications is July 15th, 2012. For applications and further details please contact Dr Liz Ainsbury ( or Professor Pere Puig (
  • The Ministry of Science and Innovation (MSI) is one of the largest funding bodies in New Zealand. Their website is
  • The Ministry of Science and Innovation (MSI) is to invest up to $59.5 million in innovative research that will benefit New Zealand. The 6 research areas that MSI will invest in are:

        * Biological Industries Research
        * Energy and Minerals Research
        * Environmental Research
        * Hazards and Infrastructure Research
        * Health and Society Research 

    The website is here.
  • Here are some important UoA scholarships coming up soon.
    • University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarship, this link. However, see the information above.
  • If you go to the IPENZ website and click on VIP Scheme then this could be a good source of funding for getting top professionals in the industry involved in your programmes.
  • Here is the general link to the Fulbright awards/scholarships.
  • Here is a note dated 2010-10-21 re. University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarships:

    Due to the changes implemented recently by The University the Faculty has had to change their current approach to awarding these scholarships. On that basis we will be holding an initial round closing November 1 which will largely clear the applications received to date. We will be holding additional rounds throughout 2011 with closing dates of February 1, May 1 and then July/August however please note that these dates are only indicative at this stage and are therefore subject to change. The Faculty may consider applications outside of these dates however only in exceptional circumstances. These rounds apply to both Domestic and International students.

    Students who are currently enrolled should not apply for the November 1 round as we will not have their final results in time to make our recommendations to the Scholarships Office. As usual application forms and regulations can be accessed from the Scholarships section of the University website.

University of Auckland scholarships homepage

The Official University of Auckland Scholarships Homepage has links towards many scholarships.

Here is UniversityofAucklandScholarships2010.pdf, a 2.7 Mb pdf file containing details of all UoA scholarships in 2010 and including part of 2011. It is 540 pages long.

Miscellaneous links
  • Next Week contains regular scholarships: click here. In particular, this link is particularly good.
  • The Kate Edger Educational Charitable Trust is available for women, as well as New Horizons for Women Trust Awards.
  • The Royal Society of NZ offers a selection of scholarships annually.
  • The Faculty of Science has this link for postgraduate students.
  • This link about money is worth perusing.
  • The Business School has a website of scholarships & awards: click here.
  • Please see for other funding opportunities from the Research Office, or ext 87956.
  • The Study Link website offers funding too.
  • The NZ government website has scholarships (search for 'Scholarships'). See also Inland Revenue Department and the New Zealand Qualifications Authority.
  • The Teach NZ website offers scholarships.
  • The HRC funds medical research, especially relating to Maori and Pacific island health. See here and Pacific Scholarships. Other examples include for injury prevention and rehabilitation click here.
  • The NZSA has the following link which includes the Campbell Bequest Fund and some grants under "Young Statisticians".
  • The Break out part of the Funding Information Service is a major NZ database; it contains over 2000 awards, scholarships and grants for individuals. Note that environmental and conservation related research used to be funded by envirofunz but this database is no longer supported by the Ministry for the Environment. Instead, the Funding Information Service has three funding databases - FundView, BreakOut, and CorporateCitizens. See also
  • University of Auckland students may be interested in the International Student Exchange Programme. It allows travel to another university. See the details at "International Student Exchange Programme" below.
  • NZ citizens and permanent residents may be eligible for a Student Allowance or Loan. Information can be found at this link.
  • The Human Frontier Science Programme (HSFP) supports novel, innovative and interdisciplinary basic research focused on the complex mechanisms of living organisms; topics range from molecular and cellular approaches to systems and cognitive neuroscience. A clear emphasis is placed on novel collaborations that bring biologists together with scientists from fields such as physics, mathematics, chemistry, computer science and engineering to focus on problems at the frontier of the life sciences.
Research funding grants

This Section is for research funding to mainly non-students.

  • For funding tied to Europe: The Europe Institute. See this file.
  • The Hope Foundation has funding for research on ageing. There are $6K grants per annum for Masters- and PhD-level research.
  • For travel funding to Europe: the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) provides travel grants of up to $5000 for NZ researchers to travel to Europe. There are separate funds to allow European researchers to travel to NZ. For further information and assistance please go to this link.
  • The Transport Research and Educational Trust Board makes grants to individuals and organisations proposing projects involving or relating to transport, including logistics. For more information see The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport.
  • Sports related research? Try SPARC funding.
  • The National Heart Foundation: Apply for small project grants, grant-in-aid and travel grants. Refer
  • The Paykel Trust also offers money: refer to
  • The Auckland Medical Research Foundation has travel grants. Refer to
  • The Foundation for Research Science & Technology (FoRST) has funding in general.
  • The Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) offers funding of various sorts. In particular, see
  • The Faculty of Engineering sometimes has Research Funding Opportunities.
  • Social Policy Evaluation and Research-SPEaR's Linkages programme awards provides scholarships and grants for research and evaluation projects to build New Zealand's social policy knowledge base and improve research and evaluation capability. Postgraduate Scholarship Awards, Research Methods Workshops Awards, Visiting Speaker Awards, Social Policy Awards, Visiting Research Fellowships Awards. Refer here.
  • The Wellcome Trust is an independent charity funding research to improve human and animal health.
  • Here is the Science Faculty Research Funding Calendar. Deadlines presented are University Research Office deadlines (usually 1 week before the funding body deadline).
  • Talking about calendars, here is the Funding calendar which provides an overview of the main grants and deadlines over the year.
  • Here is the funding opportunities databases which enable a more personal search. You can find funding opportunities by sponsors, by discipline, by geographical location and for many purposes (research, collaborations, travel, conferences, fellowships, postdoctoral positions, equipment and acquisitions). You can create personal profiles on these databases and receive personal email alerts.
  • Here is the COS Funding Opportunities or COS website. It is the most comprehensive source of funding information available on the Web, with more than 25,000 records, representing over 400,000 funding opportunities, worth over $33 billion. To use it the first thing to do is to set up an account on it, which is easy to do.
  • An alternative to COS is ResearchResearch website. It is also a comprehensive source of funding information. To use it the first thing to do is to set up an account on it, which is easy to do.
  • Here is the European Science and Technology website. It provides information on funding for collaboration opportunities and associated funding.
For international students

This Section is for international students wishing to study in our department.

  • Here is a link to some international scholarships so as to study at Auckland University.
  • Here is another link to some New Zealand International Scholarships so as to study at Auckland University.
  • New Zealand's International Aid and Development Agency (NZAID) offers scholarships here.
  • The Faculty of Science has some scholarships for international students, e.g., the Faculty of Science Masters Awards: this link.
  • New international PhD students are now given domestic (NZ) status with regard to fees (see this link and this link). The bottom line is that the tuition fees are around $5,560 NZD per year, for 2011. Or around USD$4333 per annum. See also this link.
  • In the past there used to be an agreement between the New Zealand, German and French governments, German and French citizens pursuing (any type of) postgraduate studies at a New Zealand university pay domestic tuition fees. Full information regarding fees can be obtained from this link. In particular, see Study Abroad and Exchange, agents in various countries and this welcoming link.
  • International Student Exchange Programme: The University of Auckland offers an International Student Exchange programme called 360-degrees Auckland Abroad. Auckland Abroad offers students opportunities for exchanges between The University of Auckland and one of its 75 university exchange partners throughout the world. For more information see
For Māori and Pacific island students

This Section is for Māori and Pacific island students.

Australian universities

Some Australian scholarships are available for NZ citizens, for example, the Cooperative Research Centres (CRC) Scholarships, e.g., CRC for Forestry. In particular, the Australian National University has a generous programme of summer research scholarships. One of our students (Ben Whale) went on this programme a couple of years ago, and liked it so much he stayed there for a PhD.

Compiled by:

Geoff Pritchard, Department of Statistics, University of Auckland. Phone (09) 923 7400. Fax (09) 373 7018.

Last modified: Tue Jul 17 10:06:51 NZST 2012


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