University of Liverpool



University of Liverpool




Little is known about the provision of statistics teaching for PhD students in UK medical schools. A recent survey found that statistics courses were available to PhD students in 13 of 21 schools responding. The provision across these 13 schools was variable in terms of contact hours and content. At a meeting of 27 medical statistics teachers, consensus was reached that such teaching should be undertaken by a subject specialist, however there was no consensus as to the best mode of delivery. We describe the rationale for, content of, and student feedback from our newly developed course programme which emphasises aspects of both design and analysis of research projects.


Keywords: Statistics education research; Teaching; Medicine; Postgraduates; Survey




Statistics Education Research Journal, 3(1), 72-79,

Ó International Association for Statistical Education (IASE/ISI), May, 2004






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Centre for Medical Statistics and Health Evaluation

Faculty of Medicine

University of Liverpool

L69 3BX