Stephen Cope
I am a Multimedia Manager in the Department of Statistics
at the University of Auckland. [Contact Details]
This is approximately what I look like. I have just been reading the STATS 10x forums and you can see the effect it has had on me.
Stephen Cope
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What this involves is writing web-based applications and making sure all the right information is on the Department's website and all the other sites we host.
Probably a more explicit title for my role would be Technical Officer, Communications
. If something is getting done electronically in this Department I probably had something to do with it (for better or worse). Email broken? Server slow? Need a JPEG on your homepage? Join a mailing list? Data sets for student assignments? Surveys? Videos? Photographs of people enjoying statistics? Can't figure out CECIL? I may have been involved.
My background is website development, system administration, business analysis, client wrangling, and property maintenance. Allow me to update your website while installing Linux, repainting your ceiling and trimming your garden.
File formats: Plain text is definately the best, because in the event of a disaster you're not going to have to retype it. HTML and LaTeX are very handy and I encourage you to use them. If you type up your documents in one of them, you are far less likely to lose them than in other popular word processing file formats. (I'm hinting that Microsoft Word is a really poor way to save your documents.) Even though it is fairly simple to use OCR to convert printed text into electronic, the vector graphics are easy to lose.
Contact me by email, ring 373-7599 x89621, or come down to Room 303.205.
A video Andrew Balemi and I made to introduce people to STATS 101: It's a Jungle out there! (DivX 5.1 encoded, 94MiB)
There is also my personal website.