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Office: Science Block (Building 303S) Room 371
Phone: +64-9-373-7599 ext 88276 or ext 86893 (Dep't. Office)
    An amazing
example of masculine pulchritude.
I am married (and have been since 25 August 1981) to
Victoria Haselden.
(She's from the South Island, but she's wonderful despite that!)
We brought three cats with us when we shifted to New Zealand
from Canada in 2007. They were named Éowyn, Galadriel, and Tom.
What they are called in Eternity is not known to me. Tom (??? 2003 --- May 2015) aka "The Little Thug",
Galadriel (??? 2001 ---
Jan. 2016) aka "Fat Princess", and Éowyn
(??? 2000 --- Jan. 2013) aka "Sweet Little Airhead".
We now have two Native New Zealand
☺ cats. And thereby hangs a tale.
On 10 March 2016 we acquired (from the SPCA) a beautiful little
ragdoll cat, named Jessica,
but she ran away from us (on 18 March 2016). Despite considerable
effort we could not find her, and eventually abandoned hope. Then,
on 21 September 2018, we got a phone call from a local vet saying
that a cat had been found and brought to them, and its microchip
revealed it be ours! We went and picked her up, and it was indeed
Jessica! The delicate little creature had survived, living rough
and feeding herself by hunting and scavenging, for
two and a half years!
After losing Jessica, we had gone back to the SPCA and, despite
our carelessness with the first cat that they gave us, they very
kindly let us have another one. A very feisty young tortoiseshell
whom we named Tigerlily.
Of course Tigerlily has not been at all happy with the return of the
prodigal Jessica, whom she (naturally) considers to be an interloper.
The two of them occasionally hiss at each other, but rarely come
to actual blows.
Sad update: We have now lost Jessica again, this time for good.
She'd been suffering from kidney problems for a long while, and
was also diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome. Her appetite
was substantially diminished. We kept her going by medicating her
with prednisolone (to combat the IBS) and mirtazapine (to stimulate
her appetite) and this seemed to maintain her at a reasonable level
of health for quite a bit longer than expected. (Although she was
skeletally thin; even when she ate well, she did not gain weight.)
About a week ago she essentially stopped eating at all, and wasted
away. She became so weak that she could barely walk. This morning
(13/04/2023) we took her to our veterinary clinic and had her put down.
She had a good peaceful death. Vicky and I are very weepy right now.
We try to take comfort in the fact that we did the best we could
for her, and that she had a few good and pleasant years with us.
Good night sweet princess, and flights of angels bear thee to
thy rest.
A list of my publications may be
found here.
I participate (to the extent that my limited abilities will
allow me ☺ ) in the
development of the R
package spatstat.
(See the spatstat webpage for a pointer to The Great Book!)
I am also (ir)responsible ☺
for several other R packages which are available from
Here is a
complete list of the R packages
with which I am involved.
Here is a list of students whom
I have supervised over the years.
Over the years I have (mirabile dictu! ☺ )
given a number of invited talks.
My "official UoA web page" can be found
A slightly updated "mixreg" package is available from:  
The "kanova" package is available from:  
Recent updates to the "deldir" package are available from:  
The "eglhmm" package is available from:  
The "oneDimPp" package is available from:  
Windoze Sucks!!!