The Dice Experiment

The experiment consists of rolling n dice, each governed by the same probability distribution.
You can specify the die distribution by clicking on the die probability button; this button bring up the die probability dialog box.
You can define your own distribution by typing probabilities into the text fields of the dialog box, or you can click on one of the buttons in the dialog box to specify one of the following special distributions:
fair: each face has probability 1/6
1-6 flat: faces 1 and 6 have probability 1/4 each; faces 2, 3, 4, and 5 have probability 1/8 each.
2-5 flat: faces 2 and 5 have probability 1/4 each; faces 1, 3, 4, and 6 have probability 1/8 each.
3-4 flat: faces 3 and 4 have probability 1/4 each; faces 1, 2, 5, and 6 have probability 1/8 each.
skewed left: face i has probability i / 21 for i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
skewed right: face i has probability (7 - i) / 21 for i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

The following random variables are recorded on each update:

The sum of the scores Y.
The average score M.
The minimum score U.
The maximum score V.
The number of aces (1's) Z.
Any one of these variables can be selected with a list box. The density and moments of the selected variable are shown in blue in the distribution graph and are recorded in the distribution table. When the simulation runs, the empirical density and moments are shown in red in the distribution graph and are recorded in the distribution table. The parameter n can be varied with a scroll bar.


This applet requires a browser that supports the Java 2 platform and the Java Swing components. We recommend the latest versions of Internet Explorer or Netscape, with the Java plug-in.

If you do not have the proper plug-in, you should have been prompted automatically to download the plug-in. If this does not happen, and the applet has not appeared then download and execute the plug-in given here (Java 2).