STATS 784 Statistical Data Mining

Welcome to STATS 784. This webpage is supplementary to Canvas. Rather than making lots of announcements I tend to put material potentially useful here.



Please show your working in general when doing assignments. Interpret/comment on any plots that you produce. Handwritten assignments are acceptable; if so you need to upload scans or photos---but upload all .R files too. Any computer code that you use should be displayed so that the marker can see it and its output. I highly recommend knitr .Rnw files or Rmarkdown .Rmd files for reproducibility of research... they are fantastic software tools. Please knit them into .pdf if possible (LaTeX might need to be installed on your machine), however HTML or .doc should be okay too.

You must not copy each other; the penalty is high. And please don't submit ChatGPT output.

  • General Info


    Here is a list of links collected over the years. They are FYI only.

    Handouts and Files

    Previous Exams and Terms Tests

    Exams and tests from previous years are available from Canvas. Please note that the course has evolved over time, therefore there are several topics examined in previous years that are not applicable this year. Also, during the years of Covid-19, tests and exams were done online so there were no recall questions. Furthermore, note that my emphasis in most questions is either problem solving or understanding the concepts and material. Rote memorization simply won't work.

    Data Sets


    Here is a history of handouts released or to be released on Canvas. They are all examinable in general.
    27 Feb  Quiz 1 released (2%)
    27 Feb  Study guide
    27 Feb  Chapter 1: Introduction to Data Mining
    27 Feb  Tutorial 1

    Last modified: Thu 11 Jul 2024 12:07:30 NZST

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