2005 DiaryThese are some of the undertakings and travellings of members of the Department of Statistics during 2005. There are omissions.
Son born to Renate MeyerRenate Meyer's son, as yet unnamed, was born on the 18th of December. Ilze Ziedins receives Dean's Award for Teaching ExcellenceIlze Ziedins, lecturer of STATS 724: Operations Research, has received a Dean's Award for Teaching Excellence. In selecting Ilze, the panel noted the following:
Marti Anderson and Rich Ford funded from VC's University Development FundMarti Anderson and Rich Ford (with Jenny Webster) were funded for $85,000 from the VC's University Development Fund for a project entitled Investigating the impact of multiple stressors on benthic communities. Russell Millar at American Fisheries SocietyRussell Millar gave two invited talks at the American Fisheries Society 135th Annual Meeting in Anchorage, Alaska, namely Reference priors for Bayesian fisheries models and Automatic calculation of the sensitivity of Bayesian fisheries models to informative priors. In September, Russell gave a seminar on Local sensitivity of Bayesian inference to priors and data. James Curran and Forensic Science ServiceJames Curran has obtained a 3-year $176,000 contract with the Forensic Science Service of the UK. Alastair Scott at Washington Statistical SocietyAlastair Scott has given invited week-long workshops on sampling to the Washington Statistical Society in DC and a shorter version to Statistics New Zealand. While in Washington he also gave an invited talk in the Joint Program in Survey Methodology Distinguished Lecture Series. Annual Teacher's DayOur Annual Teachers day drew over 90 participants despite prominently advertising that we were recycling many elements from the last 2 years. We also exploited synergies with our CensusAtSchool project and our involvement with the new curriculum. Comments like this from an HoD are pleasing, James Russell and Rodent Invasion in NatureA paper co-authored by James Russell and others from the Rodent Invasion Project / Research Group has been published in Nature. Other organisations, including the BBC, National Geographic, and New Scientist, have picked up the story. Citation: Russell, JC, Towns, DR, Anderson, SH, Clout, MN. 2005-10-20. Intercepting the first rat ashore. Nature, 437(7062): p1107 33,000 Children Have Their Say
This is the introduction to a press release sent out at the end of the CensusAtSchool project. GraduationSpring graduation passed successfully with a large number of spring graduands (PDF), including Lecturer Yuichi Hirose. 12,000 students answer CensusAtSchool New ZealandIn the first week, 12,000 students have answered the CensusAtSchool New Zealand survey. Even after the first week, students are still answering the survey at the rate of one and a half thousand per school day. Rachel Cunliffe on BreakfastRachel Cunliffe, actor Shane Cortese, and students at St Mary's in Northcote were shown on Breakfast, participating in CensusAtSchool. Rachel Cunliffe on One NewsRachel Cunliffe and students at Clover Park Middle School were shown on One News and Late News, participating in CensusAtSchool. Rachel Cunliffe on Te KaeaRachel Cunliffe was shown on Te Kaea talking about CensusAtSchool. She was at Ranui School in Waitakere City. SRTL4: Conference on Statistical Reasoning, Literacy, and TeachingFrom 2 to 7 June the SRTL-4 conference was held at Grafton Hall. It was largely organised by Ross Parsonage and Maxine Pfannkuch, along with input from Dani Ben-Zvi, Joan Garfield, and others. Russell Millar on Campbell LiveRussell Millar was on Campbell Live explaining the probability of winning Lotto, and how much interest would have accumulated had the money been put into a savings account. Tim Langlois submits his PhD thesisTim Langlois, has submitted his PhD thesis on the morning of 2 June to the Graduate Centre. The title of Tim's thesis is: "Influence of reef-associated predators on adjacent soft-sediment communities". He has been based up at the Leigh Marine Laboratory. Adam Smith awarded ScholarshipAn NZIMA Postgraduate Scholarship has been awarded to Adam Smith for a Masters thesis project at the University of Auckland (from July 2005) on the statistical validation of the NZ Marine Environment Classification, under the supervision of Drs Marti Anderson and Clinton Duffy. Dr Yuichi Hirose, PhDYuichi has completed the corrections to his thesis and has now completed the requirements for his PhD. Fieldwork in the Bay of IslandsThe Rodent Invasion Research Group spent a total of two weeks rat-catching in the Bay of Islands. With the Department of Conservation, Steven Miller helped set up the traps, then the next week Rachel Fewster went to bag the rats with Stephen Cope as camera-man. The trip was exceptionally successful with a total of 360 rats bagged for the DNA project. GraduationAutumn graduation passed successfully with a large number of graduands (PDF), including Senior Tutor Mike Forster. Mike Manning on 60 MinutesOne of our MSc students, Mike Manning, will appear on the 60 Minutes program this coming Monday. He features in a piece about the satellite tagging of white sharks. Mike is working on his MSc while employed by NIWA in Wellington. IASS 55: Complex sampling, retrospective sampling and missing dataIASS 55 was organised and run by this Department and held at the Maritime Museum in Auckland, New Zealand. Alastair Scott chaired some of the sessions. 55th Session of the International Statistical Institute (ISI 55)Rachel Cunliffe, Ross Ihaka, Chris Wild, and Ilze Ziedins were at ISI 55 in Sydney, Australia. Faculty Teaching Excellence Awards for 2004Rachel Fewster won the Faculty of Science Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching for 2004. IASE at ISI 55Rachel Cunliffe, Mike Forster, Chris Wild and others were at the sessions of IASE at ISI 55 in Sydney, Australia. CR Rao talkCR Rao spoke to a packed room in this Department. In his talk he covered a history of statistics. International Workshop on Matrices and StatisticsThe 14th International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics IWMS-2005 was held at Massey University - Albany from March 29th to April 1st. George Seber gave a Keynote Lecture on "Things my mother never told me about Matrices", Alan Lee & Alastair Scott gave an Invited Lecture on "Semi-parametric efficiency, projection and the Scott-Wild estimator", and Garry Tee gave an Invited Lecture on "Eigenvectors of block circulant matrices". Alastair Scott in University NewsAn article on Alastair was published with the heading, Wild, C & Triggs, C. March 2005. Leading mathematician retires. The University of Auckland News, 36(2): 15 Workshop on Bayesian Inference and MCMCOn February 24, Renate Meyer organized a workshop on Bayesian inference and MCMC which was very well attended with over 30 participants. For a list of speakers and abstracts, see the Bayesian Inference and MCMC website.
PhD studentsOur PhD students have been exceptionally busy recently. Monique Mackenzie (now at St Andrews University) and Andreas Berg successfully defended their theses, and Yuichi Hirose submitted his, all within the space of a week. Debbie Leader has since received an Enterprise Scholarship in partnership with Pacific Edge Biotechnology Ltd to do her PhD with Brian McArdle and Mik Blak on "Multivariate analysis of bioinformatic data". Sarah Song has since received a New Zealand International Postgraduate Research Scholarship to do her PhD with Yong Wang and Mik Black on the "Development of datamining techniques for microarray data". BirthsJames Reilly and Mat Pawley are both the proud new fathers of baby girls, and Andreas Berg is a proud expectant father. Dinner for Alastair ScottOn February 23 the Department held a dinner at Tamaki with Alastair Scott, family, colleagues, guests, and acquaintances. Chris Wild gave a short speech, and Alastair said a few words as well. Sharon Walker nearly brained!Sharon narrowly escaped serious injury after a giant two kilogram bunya nut (pictured) fell from an Araucaria tree and missed her by millimetres. She paused to inspect that UFO, whereupon she was narrowly missed by a second one! Health and Safety Officer Werner jumped into action, had a dozen reports filed and the gardeners examining the tree before the afternoon was out. Otago Genomics Facility Microarray MeetingMik Black and his PhD students, Debbie Leader and Sarah Song, attended this meeting in Dunedin on February 11. Daughter born to Mat PawleyMat Pawley's daughter Sofia was born on the 7th of February. Marti Anderson's paper selectedMarti Anderson's 2003 paper Generalized discriminant analysis based on distances with John Robinson in the Australia and NZ J of Statistics was selected by ISI Esssential Science Indicators as the Go back to 2004. More news? Send it to the Webmaster. |
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