Department of Statistics

STATS 740 Sample Surveys

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Below description edited in year: 2013

Points: 15

Prereqs: STATS 340 or 341 or equivalent

Credit: Examination 60%, assignments 40%

Textbooks: Survey Methodology. Robert M Groves (ed), Wiley, 2004. T. Lumley,Lu Ann Aday & L.J. Cornelius, Designing and Conducting Health Surveys. 3rd. Edition, Jossey-Bass, 2006
T. Lumley, Complex Surveys: a guide to analysis using R, Wiley Interscience, 2009

For Advice: Peter Davis (Email: | extn: TBA), Alastair Scott (Email: | extn: 88751), Chris Wild (Email: | extn: 88797)

Taught: First Semester City

Website: STATS 740 website

STATS 740 is a course in the design, management and analysis of sample surveys, with particular emphasis on surveys in the health sector.

Topics studied include: Revision of statistical aspects of sampling. Preparing surveys. Research entry: problem selection, sponsorship and collaboration. Research design: methodology and data collection; Issues of sample design and sample selection. Conducting surveys: Questionnaires and questions; Non-sampling issues; Project management; Maintaining data quality. Analysis: computer software, weighting, special features of survey data. Dissemination. Other types of surveys.Dissemination. Other types of Surveys.

Although every reasonable effort is made to ensure accuracy, this information for the course year (2013), is provided as a general guide only for students and is subject to alteration. All students enrolling at the University of Auckland must consult its official document, the University of Auckland Calendar, to ensure that they are aware of and comply with all regulations, requirements and policies.

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