Department of Statistics
STATS 302 Applied Multivariate Analysis
Below description edited in year: 2018
Points: 15
Prereqs: 15 points from STATS 201, 207, 208 or BIOSCI 209.
Credit: Final exam 50%; Coursework 50% (1 Test worth 20%, Assignments worth 20% and Quizzes worth 10%), must obtain at least 50% in final exam to pass. For advice: Mike Forster (ext 88759). This course covers the exploratory analysis of multivariate data, with emphasis on the use of statistical software and reporting of results.
Website: STATS 302 website
Software-based exploration of multivariate data. Modern extensions to high dimensional and non-normal data.
Topics studied include: Visualisation, Principle components, factor analysis, ordination, cluster analysis, multivariate multiple regression and associated methods. The approach will be largely non-mathematical and practical, with an emphasis on the understanding of the techniques.
Although every reasonable effort is made to ensure accuracy, this information for the course year (2025) is provided as a general guide only for students and is subject to alteration.
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