bam.func <- function(sitesdat, radius, cliquesdat) { # This is the main function for the BAM algorithm. # # DEMONSTRATION EXAMPLE: # # 1. Create a pair of maps to be matched, each on a 40 x 40 grid of # squares, with each square of the grid having presence with # probability 0.2 (and absence with probability 0.8): # mymaps <- makemap.func(40, 40, 0.2) # # 2. Find the best attainable match of these maps with cliques as the # eight nearest neighbours: # (note: this means "radius" should be sqrt(2), where a small number is # added to avoid rounding errors): # bam.func(mymaps, radius=sqrt(2)+0.01) # # ALTERNATIVE: (for the same results: following from step 1 above): # # 2. Create the cliques data manually for the eight nearest neighbours: # mycliquesdat <- makeclique.func(mymaps, radius=sqrt(2)+0.01) # # 3. Find the best attainable match: # bam.func(mymaps, cliquesdat=mycliquesdat) # # This alternative approach allows you to store and view the cliques # data, and it will make the program run a little faster if you need # to match several different maps on the same grid. (The makeclique.func # routine only needs to be run once for a given grid set-up, even if you # generate completely new maps: # for example, the following lines only require the makeclique line once: # mymaps1 <- makemap.func(40, 40, 0.5) # mymaps2 <- makemap.func(40, 40, 0.1) # (must be a 40x40 grid again) # mycliquesdat <- makeclique.func(mymaps1, radius=1.5) # bam.func(mymaps1, cliquesdat=mycliquesdat) # bam.func(mymaps2, cliquesdat=mycliquesdat) # # The results should be the same as # bam.func(mymaps1, radius=1.5) # bam.func(mymaps2, radius=1.5) # # The makeclique option is also helpful to see what is required if you need # to enter cliques manually (rather than using a radius idea). To view the # cliques data, just type # mycliquesdat # See also the General Information below for more details. # # GENERAL INFORMATION: # # sitesdat is a data frame with the following headers: # site, map1, map2 (the presence / absence in the first and second surveys), # x, y (site coordinates) # There is a choice of entering clique data manually, or of using a radius # option so that each site's clique contains all sites within the given # radius. Only one of the two arguments "radius" and "cliquesdat" should # be provided, otherwise the program will stop. # Using radius = sqrt(2) (plus a small number to avoid rounding errors) # gives an eight-nearest-neighbour result for sites on a regular grid with # sites placed exactly one unit apart. # # If the cliques are to be read in from dataframe cliquesdat, the clique # data should be arranged as follows. Suppose that # site 1 has clique (2, 3, 4); # site 2 has clique (1, 10); # site 3 has clique (1, 4, 21); and so on. # Then cliquesdat should be a data frame as so: # # site clique # 1 2 # 1 3 # 1 4 # 2 1 # 2 10 # 3 1 # 3 4 # 3 21 # # etc. # # First some housekeeping: only one of cliquesdat and radius should # be provided: if((!missing(cliquesdat))&(!missing(radius))) stop("Only one of radius and cliquesdat should be provided.") # map1 <- sitesdat$map1 map2 <- sitesdat$map2 xvec <- sitesdat$x yvec <- sitesdat$y Nsites <- length(map1) mismatch0 <- (1:Nsites)[(map1 == 0) & (map2 == 1)] mismatch1 <- (1:Nsites)[(map1 == 1) & (map2 == 0)] mismatchall <- sort(c(mismatch0, mismatch1)) Nmism0 <- length(mismatch0) Nmism1 <- length(mismatch1) Nmism <- Nmism0 + Nmism1 if(!missing(cliquesdat)) swapmat <- clique.func(mismatchall, mismatch0, mismatch1, sitesdat, cliquesdat=cliquesdat) else swapmat <- clique.func(mismatchall, mismatch0, mismatch1, sitesdat, radius = radius) swapsing <- 0 n2blocks <- 0 n3blocks <- 0 n4blocks <- 0 n5blocks <- 0 nblocks <- 0 swapperf <- 0 sing1 <- singletons.func(swapmat) swap <- sing1$swap swapmat <- data.frame(sing1$swapmat) swapsing <- sing1$swap catline("Singletons sweep 1 completed. Swap =", swapsing) # If swapmat has 0 rows, the BAM procedure is finished. # If not, go into the connected clique, perfect cluster, and # block-swapping routines. # Note that "perfect clusters" and "exact connected components" # are the same thing (just different notational eras!) while(nrow(swapmat) != 0) { perfect <- T while((nrow(swapmat) != 0) & perfect) { perfect <- F selsite <- min(swapmat$site) adjmat <- connclique.func(swapmat, selsite) # catline("Selected site: ", selsite) # print(adjmat) nrow.adjmat <- nrow(adjmat) if(nrow.adjmat == ncol(adjmat)) { perfect <- checkperfect.func(adjmat) # if adjmat was perfect it can be swapped # and all sites in the connected clique must # be deleted. # full swap is achieved for a perfect cluster. # full swap = nrow.adjmat = ncol.adjmat if(perfect) { swap <- swap + nrow.adjmat swapperf <- swapperf + nrow.adjmat swapsites <- as.numeric(unlist(dimnames( adjmat))) swapmat <- swapmat[!is.element(swapmat$ site, swapsites), ] catline("Exact connected component: swap =", nrow.adjmat) } } # catline("Searching for perfect clusters: ", perfect) } if(nrow(swapmat) != 0) { # begin searching for blocks and performing singletons # search for two-blocks in adjmat twob <- twoblock.func(adjmat) if(twob$status == "none") twob <- twoblock.func(t(adjmat)) # catline("Searching for 2-blocks: ") # print(twob) if(twob$status == "found") { # swap the block: swap=2 swap <- swap + 2 # delete the sites in the block from swapmat, # and also remove them from the "swap" set of # any other sites in swapmat: swapsites <- as.numeric(unlist(twob$block)) swapmat <- swapmat[!is.element(swapmat$site, swapsites), ] swapmat <- swapmat[!is.element(swapmat$swap, swapsites), ] n2blocks <- n2blocks + 1 nblocks <- nblocks + 1 catline("Swapped 2-block") } else { r <- 2 foundblock <- F while(!foundblock) { r <- r + 1 # search for (r, r)-blocks in adjmat rsb <- rsblock.wrap(adjmat, r) if(rsb$status == "none") rsb <- rsblock.wrap(t(adjmat), r) # catline("Searching for ", r, "-blocks: ") # print(rsb) if(rsb$status == "found") foundblock <- T } # the above "while" loop exits when a block is found: # the block is stored in rsb$block # swap the block: swap=r catline("Swapped ", r, "-block") swap <- swap + r # delete the sites in the block from swapmat, # and also remove them from the "swap" set of # any other sites in swapmat: swapsites <- as.numeric(unlist(rsb$block)) swapmat <- swapmat[!is.element(swapmat$site, swapsites), ] swapmat <- swapmat[!is.element(swapmat$swap, swapsites), ] nblocks <- nblocks + 1 if(r == 3) n3blocks <- n3blocks + 1 if(r == 4) n4blocks <- n4blocks + 1 if(r == 5) n5blocks <- n5blocks + 1 } } if(nrow(swapmat) != 0) { # do singletons again singnew <- singletons.func(swapmat) swap <- swap + singnew$swap swapmat <- data.frame(singnew$swapmat) if(singnew$swap>0) catline("Singletons new sweep completed. Swap =", singnew$swap) swapsing <- swapsing + singnew$swap } } BAM <- Nsites - Nmism + 2 * swap catline() catline() catline("SUMMARY") catline("Swap attributable to singletons: ", swapsing) catline("Swap attributable to exact connected components: ", swapperf) catline("Number of 2-blocks: ", n2blocks) catline("Number of 3-blocks: ", n3blocks) catline("Number of 4-blocks: ", n4blocks) catline("Number of 5-blocks: ", n5blocks) catline("Total number of blocks: ", nblocks) catline() catline("Number of sites: ", Nsites) catline("Original match: ", Nsites - Nmism) catline("Best possible swap: ", swap) catline("Best attainable match: ", BAM) catline() catline() BAM } checkperfect.func <- function(adjmat) { # checkperfect.func # checks whether a connected clique is a perfect cluster. valency <- unique(c(apply(adjmat, 1, sum), apply(adjmat, 2, sum))) perfect <- length(valency) == 1 # returns logical flag: perfect or not perfect } clique.func <- function(mismsites, mism0sites, mism1sites, sitesdat, radius, cliquesdat) { # clique.func # Takes the list of mismatched site numbers, mismsites, and constructs a # data frame containing all mismatches and swappable sites (mismatched sites # with the opposite status in the same clique). # # There is a choice of entering clique data manually, or of using a radius # option so that each site's clique contains all sites within the given radius. # The default is to use radius = sqrt(2) (plus a small number to avoid rounding # errors). This gives an eight-nearest-neighbour result for sites on a regular # grid with sites placed exactly one unit apart. # # If the cliques are to be read in from dataframe cliquesdat, the clique data # should be arranged as follows. Suppose that # site 1 has clique (2, 3, 4); # site 2 has clique (1, 10); # site 3 has clique (1, 4, 21); and so on. # Then cliquesdat should be a data frame as so: # # site clique # 1 2 # 1 3 # 1 4 # 2 1 # 2 10 # 3 1 # 3 4 # 3 21 # # etc. # The output from this function (clique.func) is a new data frame with only the # mismatched sites listed in the first column, and only the swappable # clique-sites listed in the second. For example (using the cliques above): if # site 1 is a mismatched 0; # site 2 is a match; # site 3 is a mismatched 0; # site 4 is a mismatched 1; # site 21 is a mismatched 1; # then the output would be: # # site swap # 1 4 # 3 4 # 3 21 # etc. # # # If there are no swappable sites, the mismatched site does not appear in # the output. If the site is a match, it does not appear in the output either. # # first some housekeeping: only one of cliquesdat and radius should # be provided: if((!missing(cliquesdat))&(!missing(radius))) stop("Only one of radius and cliquesdat should be provided.") # # now introduce the function for finding clique sites for site i # using the radius option # nsites <- length(sitesdat$map1) mismdat.sites <- (1:nsites)[is.element((1:nsites), mismsites)] mismdat <- sitesdat[mismdat.sites,] mismdat$site <- mismdat.sites cliqueset.func <- function(i) { # print(i) i.x <- mismdat$x[mismdat$site == i] i.y <- mismdat$y[mismdat$site == i] dist <- sqrt((mismdat$x - i.x)^2 + (mismdat$y - i.y)^2) clique <- mismdat$site[dist <= radius] n.clique <- length(clique) as.vector(rbind(rep(i, n.clique), clique)) } if(!missing(cliquesdat)) { # Transform the cliquesdat data frame so that sites are # numbered 1:nsites, even if the user's numbering was # not originally 1:nsites: # the result orders site 1 to site "nsites" in the order # that they appear in sitesdat$site. cliquesdat$site <- match(cliquesdat$site, sitesdat$site) cliquesdat$clique <- match(cliquesdat$clique, sitesdat$site) # now continue with transformed cliquesdat: len <- length(cliquesdat$site) # extract the "site" rows involving mismatched sites output <- cliquesdat[(1:len)[is.element(cliquesdat$site, mismsites)], ] # extract the "clique" rows involving mismatched sites len2 <- length(output$site) output <- output[(1:len2)[!$clique, mismsites ))], ] # remove the rows with a mism0 site and a mism0 clique len3 <- length(output$site) output <- output[(1:len3)[!(is.element(output$site, mism0sites) & is.element(output$clique, mism0sites))], ] # remove the rows with a mism1 site and a mism1 clique len4 <- length(output$site) output <- output[(1:len4)[!(is.element(output$site, mism1sites) & is.element(output$clique, mism1sites))], ] names(output) <- c("site", "swap") # add a column to say whether the site is a mism0 or mism1 len5 <- length(output$site) output$type <- rep(0, len5) output$type[is.element(output$site, mism1sites)] <- 1 } else { # this is the case where cliquesdat is missing so we use the # radius option output <- matrix(unlist(sapply(mismsites, cliqueset.func)), ncol = 2, byrow = T) output <- data.frame(site = output[, 1], clique = output[, 2]) # the next lines are identical to the cliquesdat case. # remove the rows with a mism0 site and a mism0 clique len3 <- length(output$site) output <- output[(1:len3)[!(is.element(output$site, mism0sites) & is.element(output$clique, mism0sites))], ] # remove the rows with a mism1 site and a mism1 clique len4 <- length(output$site) output <- output[(1:len4)[!(is.element(output$site, mism1sites) & is.element(output$clique, mism1sites))], ] names(output) <- c("site", "swap") # add a column to say whether the site is a mism0 or mism1 len5 <- length(output$site) output$type <- rep(0, len5) output$type[is.element(output$site, mism1sites)] <- 1 } output } connclique.func <- function(swapmat, selsite) { # connclique.func # Finds the connected clique of the selected site, selsite. # Returns the adjacency matrix of the connected clique, with # site numbers as the row and column names, and 0's in the rows, # 1's in the columns. site <- swapmat$site swap <- swapmat$swap type <- swapmat$type clique <- selsite clique <- c(selsite, swap[site == selsite]) addsites <- unique(swap[is.element(site, clique)]) while(any(!is.element(addsites, clique))) { clique <- unique(c(clique, addsites)) addsites <- unique(swap[is.element(site, clique)]) } clique <- sort(clique) # now get into adjacency matrix format clique.type <- type[match(clique, site)] # clique0 and clique1 are the site numbers of the 0 and 1 sites # in the connected clique. clique0 <- clique[clique.type == 0] clique1 <- clique[clique.type == 1] nrows <- length(clique0) ncols <- length(clique1) adjmat <- matrix(0, nrow = nrows, ncol = ncols) dimnames(adjmat) <- list(clique0, clique1) for(i in 1:length(clique1)) { s <- clique1[i] adjmat[, i] <- as.numeric(is.element(clique0, swap[site == s])) } adjmat } makeclique.func <- function(mapsdat, radius) { # makeclique.func # forms a "cliquesdat" data file based on radius, suitable for reading # into the bam.func program. # EXAMPLE: # mymaps <- makemap.func(20, 20) # mycliques <- makeclique.func(mymaps, radius=2) # bam.func(mymaps, cliquesdat=mycliques) # This has the same effect as: # bam.func(mymaps, radius=2) # but with the additional effect that the clique structure is then # stored in object mycliques. # inner.func <- function(s){ rbind(sites[s], mapsdat$site[(mapsdat$x-mapsdat$x[s])^2 + (mapsdat$y-mapsdat$y[s])^2 <= radius^2]) } sites <- mapsdat$site nsites <- length(sites) temp <- sapply(1:nsites, inner.func) cliquesdat <- matrix(unlist(temp), ncol=2, byrow=T) cliquesdat <- cliquesdat[cliquesdat[,1]!=cliquesdat[,2], ] cliquesdat <- names(cliquesdat) <- c("site", "clique") cliquesdat } makemap.func <- function(nx, ny, p.pres = 0.5) { # makemap.func # constructs a pair of presence / absence distributions on a grid of # dimensions nx by ny, with P(presence) = p.pres for every site. grid <- expand.grid(x = 1:nx, y = 1:ny) nsites <- nx * ny grid$site <- 1:nsites grid$map1 <- rbinom(nsites, 1, p.pres) grid$map2 <- rbinom(nsites, 1, p.pres) grid } rsblock.func <- function(adjmat, r, s, rsites, ssites, adjcolsites, adjrowsites, subb) { # rsblock.func # searches in adjmat (the adjacency matrix) for a block of r columns which # account for the total valency of *at least* s rows. # (Note that the notation is slightly different from the Biometrics paper: # there, an (r, s)-block had r columns and exactly s rows; here, it has # r columns and at least s rows.) # rsites and ssites are the SITE NUMBERS of the sites currently in the # block, at the time of the recursive call. # adjrowsites and adjcolsites are numeric vectors of the SITE NUMBERS of # sites in the matrix adjmat: so adjrowsites[i] is the site number of the # site corresponding to row i in adjmat. # subb stands for "subblocks": subb=F if it is known that there are # no subblocks in adjmat; otherwise subb=T. # # Note: the adjacency matrix does not operate with row and column # names (unlike the rsblock.verbose function) for efficiency. # The site numbers attached to the rows and columns are kept in # adjrowsites and adjcolsites instead. # status <- "cont" # ("cont" for continue) if(length(adjrowsites) < s) status <- "none" if(length(adjcolsites) < r) status <- "none" if(status == "cont") { # find valencies of rows: if(length(adjcolsites) == 0) { rowval <- rep(0, length(adjrowsites)) } else { adjmat <- matrix(adjmat, ncol = length(adjcolsites)) rowval <- apply(adjmat, 1, sum) } # delete rows with valency > r : leaves nrows rows and ncols columns adjrowsites <- adjrowsites[rowval <= r] nrows <- length(adjrowsites) ncols <- length(adjcolsites) if(length(adjmat) > 0) { adjmat <- matrix(adjmat[rowval <= r, ], nrow = nrows, ncol = ncols) } if(length(adjrowsites) < s) status <- "none" } if((status == "cont") & (r == 0)) { # base case where r=0: # if nrows 0)) { # case r > 0 if(length(adjrowsites) == 0) colval <- rep(0, length( adjcolsites)) else colval <- apply(adjmat, 2, sum) if(subb == F) { # delete columns with 1 entry, as they can't be part # of a block with no subblocks. # Also delete the associated row. ncols <- length(adjcolsites) nrows <- length(adjrowsites) deletecols <- (1:ncols)[colval == 1] # quick way of finding rows to delete: if(length(deletecols) > 0) { deleterows <- matrix(1:nrows, nrow = 1) %*% adjmat[, deletecols] deleterows <- unique(as.vector(deleterows)) ncols <- ncols - length(deletecols) adjmat <- matrix(adjmat[, - deletecols], ncol = ncols, nrow = nrows) adjcolsites <- adjcolsites[ - deletecols] colval <- colval[ - deletecols] nrows <- nrows - length(deleterows) adjmat <- matrix(adjmat[ - deleterows, ], ncol = ncols, nrow = nrows) adjrowsites <- adjrowsites[ - deleterows] } } # now delete columns with no entries (for subb=T or F) adjmat <- as.matrix(adjmat[, colval > 0]) adjcolsites <- adjcolsites[colval > 0] if(length(adjcolsites) < r) status <- "none" if(length(adjrowsites) < s) status <- "none" } if(status == "cont") { # status="cont" at this stage implies that r>0. # Find selected row with maximum valency to add to block: # selrowpos is the row position in adjmat; # selrowsite is the site number of the selected row. rowval <- apply(adjmat, 1, sum) nrows <- length(adjrowsites) ncols <- length(adjcolsites) selrowpos <- min((1:nrows)[rowval == max(rowval)]) selrowsite <- adjrowsites[selrowpos] selrowval <- rowval[selrowpos] # selrowval is the valency of the selected site. # Next add selrowsite and its intersecting columns to the block: newssites <- c(ssites, selrowsite) selcolpos <- (1:ncols)[adjmat[selrowpos, ] == 1] selcolsites <- adjcolsites[selcolpos] newrsites <- c(rsites, selcolsites) # set up new matrix with the selected row and columns deleted: newrowsites <- adjrowsites[ - selrowpos] newcolsites <- adjcolsites[ - selcolpos] newmat <- matrix(adjmat[ - selrowpos, ], ncol = ncols) newmat <- matrix(newmat[, - selcolpos]) blockcall <- rsblock.func(newmat, r - selrowval, s - 1, newrsites, newssites, newcolsites, newrowsites, subb = T) # if there is no block containing selrow then delete selrow # from adjmat if(blockcall$status == "none") { adjmat <- matrix(adjmat[ - selrowpos, ]) adjrowsites <- adjrowsites[ - selrowpos] adjmat <- matrix(adjmat, ncol = length(adjcolsites)) blockretry <- rsblock.func(adjmat, r, s, rsites, ssites, adjcolsites, adjrowsites, subb = F) block <- blockretry$block status <- blockretry$status } else { block <- blockcall$block status <- blockcall$status } } if(status == "none") block <- NULL list(block = block, status = status) } singletons.func <- function(swapmat) { # singletons.func # # There are two types of site numbering: # firstly the site number, which is the absolute site number # decided before the maps are observed; # secondly, the list number, which is the position of the site # in the matrix swapmat. # For example, if swapmat is as follows: # site swap type # 2 6 0 # 2 8 0 # 3 8 0 # 5 2 1 # 5 12 1 # 8 2 1 # 8 4 1 # then the list numbers would be # list number site number # 1 2 # 2 3 # 3 5 # 4 8 # etc. # (The list numbers are always 1, 2, 3, 4, ..., n.sites. # To transfer from the list number to site number and back: # siteno = site.number[listno] # listno = (1:n.sites)[site.number==siteno] # or (for a vector of siteno's): # listno = (1:n.sites)[match(sitenos, site.number)] n.entries <- length(swapmat$site) site.index <- (1:n.entries)[!duplicated(swapmat$site)] site.number <- swapmat$site[site.index] # (same as unique(swapmat$site)) site.type <- swapmat$type[site.index] site.val <- tapply(swapmat$swap, swapmat$site, length) n.sites <- length(site.number) # site.index[i] is the row number in matrix swapmat for the first # appearence of list site i. # site.number[i] is the site number of list site i; # site.type[i] is the type (mismatched 0 or 1) of list site i; # site.val[i] is the valency of list site i. swap.listno <- NA if(any(site.val==1)) swap.listno <- min((1:n.sites)[site.val == 1]) # swap.listno is the list number of the site to be swapped; # swap.siteno is the site number of the site to be swapped. n.swaps <- 0 while(! { swap.siteno <- site.number[swap.listno] swapwith.siteno <- swapmat$swap[swapmat$site == swap.siteno] swapwith.listno <- (1:n.sites)[site.number == swapwith.siteno] # swap.siteno is the site number of the singleton; # swapwith.siteno is the site number of the single site # it can be swapped with. # swapwith.listno is the list number of the single site it can # be swapped with. # # set the valency of the swapwith site to zero, then reduce by # 1 the valency of all sites valent with swapwith (this # includes the swap site); # the sites valent with swapwith are called knockon. site.val[swapwith.listno] <- 0 knockon.siteno <- swapmat$swap[swapmat$site == swapwith.siteno] knockon.listno <- (1:n.sites)[match(knockon.siteno, site.number )] site.val[knockon.listno] <- site.val[knockon.listno] - 1 # remove all records of sites valent with swapwith.siteno # (this includes removing the original site, swap.siteno): swapmat <- swapmat[swapmat$swap != swapwith.siteno, ] # remove swapwith.siteno from swapmat: swapmat <- swapmat[swapmat$site != swapwith.siteno, ] n.swaps <- n.swaps + 1 swap.listno <- NA if(any(site.val == 1)) swap.listno <- min((1:n.sites)[site.val == 1]) } # if there are any rows left in swapmat, the BAM procedure is not # finished: need to form connected cliques and find chains, blocks, etc. list(swapmat =, swap = n.swaps) } twoblock.func <- function(adjmat) { # twoblock.func # Assume that all singletons and chains have been eliminated already. # The "s"-sites in the 2-block must therefore have valency exactly 2. # # adjmat is input with row-names and column-names equal to the # SITE names of the corresponding sites. # # Search for 2-blocks with "r"-sites in the columns of adjmat: # i.e. search for 2 or more rows (s-sites) with total valency contained # within the same 2 columns (r-sites). # (If no blocks are found, the adjmat matrix is transposed and sent # to this function again.) # s.valency <- apply(adjmat, 1, sum) workmat <- adjmat[s.valency == 2, ] n.rows <- length(s.valency[s.valency==2]) # workmat is the working matrix: only contains s-sites with valency exactly 2. # the "working numbers" of s-sites refer to their row position in workmat; # they are not connected to the real site numbers of these sites, which # are given by the rownames of workmat. # Function returns the SITE NUMBERS of the block members. if(n.rows<2) status <- "none" else { s.sites <- apply(workmat, 1, paste, collapse = " ") nwork.s <- length(s.sites) workblock.s <- (1:nwork.s)[duplicated(s.sites)] # nwork.s is the number of s-sites in the working matrix. # workblock.s gives the working numbers of the s-sites that are # potentially in a 2-block. # # if there are no 2-blocks, workblock.s will be numeric(0) # and have length=0. if(length(workblock.s) > 0) { <- workblock.s[1] inblock.s <- s.sites[s.sites == s.sites[]] # now reclaim the site numbers of the sites in the block, # using the row-names and column-names of adjmat. inblock.s.sitenos <- names(inblock.s) select.s.siteno <- inblock.s.sitenos[1] inblock.r.sitenos <- dimnames(workmat)[[2]][workmat[ select.s.siteno, ] == 1] status <- "found" block <- list(r = as.numeric(inblock.r.sitenos), s = as.numeric(inblock.s.sitenos)) } else status <- "none" } if(status == "none") block <- NULL list(block = block, status = status) } rsblock.wrap <- function(mat, r) { # rsblock.wrap: wrapper for rsblock.func rsblock.func(mat, r, r, NULL, NULL, as.numeric(dimnames(mat)[[2]]), as.numeric(dimnames(mat)[[1]]), F) } catline <- function(...) { cat(..., "\n") }