indsp.func <- function(sp, dfvec = c(4, 7, 10, 15, 20, 33)) { # indsp.func: # Calculates the data matrices of indices for different df. # Arguments are the species data frame sp, # with column headers marked "site", "year", and "count", # and a list of required degrees of freedom (could be just one) for # a selection of GAM fits. # # All rows with NA's (missing values) must be removed from the data before # applying this function. # Result is a matrix with columns giving indices for each of the Nyears # years, with df as marked at the top of the column. # # example: species data frame is called cb (for common bird): # at command line: indcb <- indsp.func(cb, c(4, 7, 10, 15, 20, 33)) # # NOTE: SOME PARTS OF THIS FUNCTION MAY BE SPECIFIC TO THE GAM # FITTED ON count ~ as.factor(site) + s(year). # IF USING A DIFFERENT FORMULA, NEED TO MODIFY CODE: ESPECIALLY SEE # NOTE MARKED *** BELOW. # if(length(sp$count[$count)]) > 0) stop( "no missing data allowed") # fit.func fits the GAM using the MGCV library and extracts the indices for a given # value of df: fit.func <- function(dfval) { gam.df <- gam(count~as.factor(site) + s(year, fx=TRUE, k=dfval+1), family = poisson(link = log), data = sp) pred.df <- predict.gam(gam.df,type="terms") srow <- length(pred.df[1,]) # *** For old MGCV versions, change line above to # srow <- length(pred.df[,1]) # srow is the row containing the smooth term in the predict object # # *** IF CHANGING THE ORDER OF VARIABLES IN FORMULA, OR FITTING GAM # WITH COVARIATES, NEED TO CHECK WHETHER IT IS STILL THE SAME ROW REQUIRED *** # Nentries <- length(sp$count) reqd.entries <- (1:Nentries)[!duplicated(sp$year)] # # reqd.entries gives the entries corresponding to the first occurrence of each # year in the data frame sp. The years are not in order, but given by # years.entries. Both are then ordered before being returned to ind.df. years.entries <- sp$year[!duplicated(sp$year)] years.pred <- pred.df[reqd.entries, srow] # *** For old MGCV versions, change line above to # years.pred <- pred.df[srow, reqd.entries] years.ord <- sort(years.entries) pred.ord <- years.pred[order(years.entries)] ind.df <- exp(pred.ord)/exp(pred.ord[1]) # # indices are scaled around the base year: chosen here as year 1. cat("df ", dfval, " complete \n") ind.df } ind.all <- sapply(dfvec, fit.func) dimnames(ind.all) <- list(character(0), paste("df", as.character(dfvec), sep = "")) ind.all }