Data collected at irregular time points

This set of functions is a quick rehash of the main functions in order to accommodate data collected at non-integer time points. The abundance indices are still calculated at integer times. These functions have not been extensively tested so please use them with care.

Rachel Fewster      11th April 2001

New functions


This demonstration follows the example given in the file instructions.txt on the main page.

> indcb2 <- irreg.indsp.func(cb2, c(4, 7, 10, 15, 20, 33))
> cb2.bootind.119.10 <- irreg.outer.boot.func(cb2, 10, 119, "cb2.bootind.119.10")
> motif() # or preferred graphics device
> sp.plot("cb2", 10, cb2.bootind.119.10, 1, 6, 1, conf=0.95)

Last updated:  11th April 2001