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PhyTime implements the method described in the following article:
"Bayesian estimation of divergence times from large sequence alignments",
Molecular Biology and Evolution. 2010. 27: 1768-1781.
Stéphane Guindon

Data Input
Sequences (PHYLIP format) File Example File
Tree File Example File
Calibration File Example File
Data Type :   DNA Amino-Acids
Input Sequences   Interleaved Sequential

Substitution Model
Substitution model    
Equilibrium frequencies :  
Proportion of invariable sites Fixed Estimated
Transition / transversion ratio
(DNA models)
Fixed Estimated
Number of substitution rate categories    
Gamma shape parameter Fixed Estimated
'Middle' of each rate class   Mean Median

Gibbs Sampler Settings
Chain length E+    
Sample Frequency E+    
Burnin E+