Russell Millar
Department of Statistics
University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland, New Zealand
Marti Anderson
Department of Statistics
University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland, New Zealand
NCAP.pdf - Documentation for the NCAP functions.
NCAP.R - R functions to implement nonlinear canonical correspondence analysis.
Holdfasts.R - R code to reproduce NCAP fits to the holdfast example.
NZHoldfastSpecies.dat - Holdfast species count data.
Environmentals.dat - Environmental variables (holdfast size and density) used in holdfast example.
Complete R code and data for reproducing the results, including plots, for the holdfast example. The R language is freely available from CRAN(The Comprehensive R Archive Network).
To run, copy and paste the contents of Holdfasts.R... into an R session. The code creates a number of figures and two files that can be used to monitor the bootstraps and permutations (BootProgress.txt, PermProgress.txt).