Dear Sirs, MS-Excel with Solver, add-in soft is enough to analyze selectivity data. I am sending two Excel file; "solver-sel.xls" and "SELECTmodel", and this short (maybe a little bit long) insturuction for using "Solver " on the worksheet "solver-sel.xls". I hope that my English is understandable. The worksheet "solver-sel.xls" has already been set up for analyzing covered codend data, i.e. determining selectivity parameters. MS-Excel Solver gives you parameter estimates of logistic curve, Richard curve and logistic curve with encounter probability as selectivity curve on each worksheet in this file. An example of logistic curve with encounter probability, that is the encounter probability model was selectivity curve of girds for southern rough shrimp in Fig. 5 of TOKAI et al.(1996) Fish. Res., Vol. 27, pp. 51-60. Firstly, I would like to say about "Solver" briefly. "Solver" is a sort of goal-seeking software under some constraints. You can use "Solver" to adjust a group of cells (called "changing cells") and produce the result that you want objective function in the "target cell" maximized (or minimized or equal to same value). Next I would like to explain what and how Solver do for the analysis, showing as an example the worksheet for "logistic curve" in the file. This worksheet has already set up to calculate with the data from Clark(1957) that was shown in Table 6.5.2a of ICES manual. (ICES manual; Wileman et al., 1996. Manual of methods of measuring the selectivity of towed fishing gears. Please put the ICES manual on the side of your PC, because this worksheet including some formulas will be explained later with reference to this manual. In this worksheet, cells F4:F5 contains logistic parameters. Please try to enter (-7, 0.2) or (-7.69, 0.219) in these cells F4:F5 as logistic parameters (a, b) , and observe cells F14:F51 showing selectivity of each fish length calculated from logistic parameters and logistic curve in the Figure on this worksheet. You can find selectivity values and logistic curve change, and the log-likelihood in target cell H7 that should be maximized also varies. Before you start to use "Solver", you may try your hand at maximizing the log-likelihood or likelihood manually by entering values in cells F4:F5, if you have lots of spare time. But probably it is almost impossible to get the solution manually. "Solver" search the solution using Newton method or conjugate direction method on behalf of you. "Solver" requires initial values in changing cells, cells F4:F5. Initial values for logistic parameter as selectivity curve could be calculated from L50% and Selection range (see section in left column of p.40, ICES manual). Values of L50% and Selection range could be approximated by eye from the plots of proportion retained in the Figure of this figure. When the approximates of L50% and Selection range is set in cells J4:J5, cells N4:N5 give initial values. Let's start "Solver". Please select "Tools" and then "Solver" to start solver. Excel displays its Solver Parameters dialog box. When Excel displays its Solver Parameters dialog box, please skip this paragraph. If the "Tools" menu does not show a "Solver" command, you need to install the "Solver" before you can use it. "Solver" is an add-in, so it's available only when the add-in is installed, and usually the standard install does not install "Solver" in Excel on your PC. Select "Tools", "Add-ins", and Excel displays its "Add-ins dialog box". Scroll down the list of add-ins, and place a check mark next to the item named Solver Add-in. Click on OK, and Excel installs the add-in and makes the "Solver" command available. If "Solver Add-in" does not appear in the list, you need to run Excel's Setup program (or the Setup program for MS Office). Use the Custom option, and specify that Solver be installed. At the Solver Parameters dialog box, the target cell and the changing cells should be specified ( if necessary, constraints as well). On this worksheet, the target cell is H8, in which log-likelihood of each length in the range I14:I51 are summed up (see section 6.3.1 on pages 42 and 43 of ICES manual). (Although the equation (2) of p. 43 in ICES manual do not have Combination of nl+ and nl1, the log-likelihood of each length on this worksheet contains it because I would like to calculate the AIC values for selecting the appropriate model.) Enter (or point to ) cell H8 in the Set Target Cell field. Because the object is to maximize this cell, click on the Max option. Next, specify the changing cells, which are in the range F4:F5. If necessary, you can add constraints (e.g. F4<= 0, parameter "a" of logistic equation must be negative) in the subject in the Constraints field. Let Solver solve the problem, Click on OK to return to the Solver Parameters dialog box. At this point, Solver knows everything about the problem. Click on the Solver button to start the solution process. You can watch the progress on-screen, and Excel soon announces that it has found a solution. The Solver Results dialog box is shown. At this point, click on OK, and the solver put in the changing cells the values that solver found out. You will find logistic curve fitted to the plots in the Figure of this worksheet, and values of logistic parameters very close to the results shown in Table 6.5.2b of the ICES manual. If you want to more precise solution, you can set Precision in the Solver Option dialog box which appear by click option button at the Solver Parameter dialog box. From the parameters estimates, L50 and Selection range are calculated in the cells F8:F9. I hope that you can understand the role of Solver for selectivity data analysis. The basic procedure for using "Solver" and applying your covered codend data to this worksheet is as follows: 1. Set up the worksheet with values and formulas. 1) Enter (or copy) your data; length in the range A14:A**, catch number of codend and cover in the range B14:B** and C14:C**, respectively. 2) The base lines of the column D, E, F, H, and I must be adjusted to that of A, B and C with copy command if shorter or delete command if longer. 3) Ensure that the range of the SUM function covers every cell for log-likelihood of each length. 4) Make a figure in which values of proportion retained in the codend are plotted against length. 5) Estimate roughly L50 and selection length by eye from the figure, and enter these values in the cells J4:J5 to obtain the initial values of logistic parameters a and b. 6) Enter the initial values in the cells F4:F5. The cell D14 calculates total catch number of the length by a formula C14+D14. The cells E14:E** contain proportion retained in the codend of each length only for plotting them in the figure, and have no relation with maximum likelihood calculation process. At the column F, values of retention probability of each length are estimated from the current values of logistic parameters cells F4:F5. The column H and I contains formulas of likelihood and log-likelihood of each length, respectively. The cell H8 is the target cell which contains the objective function for maximum likelihood method, that is log-likelihood (sum of each length's log-likelihood values) which Solver make maximized And start "Solver" as mentioned above; 2. Bring up the Solver dialog box. 3. Specify the target cell. 4. Specify the changing cells. 5. Specify the constraints. 6. Change the Solver options if necessary. 7. Let Solver solve the problem. And shout "Good luck!" The Newton method and Conjugate direction method that are employed at "Solver" are not so excellent algorithms, and maybe give a local solution. Therefore you have to enter initial values close to the solution and to ensure that several initial values converge to the same solution. If you get several converged values, the convergence whose log-likelihood is the maximum or whose AIC is minimum should be employed as the final solution. In addition, this worksheet does not contain the formulas for calculating the variances of parameter estimates. If you need them, I will re-arrange the worksheet. I believe you've already realized the usefulness of "Solver" and how to utilize it, and so probably it is easy to understand the another Excel worksheet for the SELECT model, titled "SELECT model.xls". This worksheet for the SELECT model contains "Equal split model", "Estimated split model", "Conventional method", "Appendix", and "Apd-fig". These worksheets includes an example data from ICES manual, which also help you to understand. The formulas are explained in the appendix table of "Appendix" worksheet. Please read through them with ICES manual. When you use your data, please try to analyse both models of Equal split and Estimated split, and then select the better model with AIC value or likelihood-ratio test. These worksheets includes the foumulas for calculating the variacnces of parameter estimates and its deviance, so they looks more complicated than the worksheet for covered codend data. This calcualtion process also writtenin the INCES manual. If you have any question about these worksheet and this short note, do not hesitate to ask me, please. I have published two papers about utilizing "Solver " on MS-Excel, but unfortunately both are written in Japanese. The one is "Tadashi TOKAI, 1997. Maximum likelihood parameter estimates of a mesh selectivity logistic model through SOLVER on MS-Excel. Bull. Jpn. Fish. Oceanogra. vol. 61, no.3, 288-298." for analyzing covered codend data. The other is "Tadashi TOKAI and Takahisa Mitsuhashi, 1998. SELECT model for estimating selectivity curve from comparative fishing experiments. Bull Jpn. Fish. Oceanogr., vol. 62, no. 3, 235-247." for Millar's SELECT model, an analysis method for paired gear test. I would be so happy if you could put my paper title on the reference list of your paper when you utilize this method for selectivity data analysis. Most of Japanese researchers who read my papers and some foreign researchers, Korean, Chinese, Argentina, and Indonesian whom I told have started to use my Excel worksheet with Solver for analyzing selectivity data, and they got some good results. You can spread freely the Excel worksheet and this note to anyone who want to use it. I also hope that many researchers utilize this "cheap" method and develop their selectivity studies. Sincerely, Tadashi TOKAI, PhD Associate Professor Tokyo University of Fisheries 4-5-7, Konan, Minato, Tokyo 108-8477, Japan TEL +81 3 5463 0474 FAX +81 3 5463 0399