#Copy and paste this code into an Splus window. #It DOES NOT WORK if read in using source( ) (because of the scan function) haddock_matrix(scan(),ncol=3,byrow=T) 24 1 0 25 1 0 26 3 0 27 14 1 28 30 5 29 49 19 30 60 29 31 50 51 32 70 91 33 108 120 34 88 118 35 84 107 36 68 78 37 37 52 38 33 40 39 12 17 40 5 17 41 6 14 42 10 10 43 1 4 44 6 6 45 2 2 46 1 5 47 0 1 lenclass_haddock[,1] nfine_haddock[,2] nwide_haddock[,3] #On my system, the X11() graphics device is used. #Delete the next line if you have an alternative graphics device. X11() par(mfrow=c(2,1)) #This automatically plots the fit to the observed proportions #and the deviance residuals. haddock.fit_fit() #This plots the actual fitted selection curve. mtext("Haddock data",cex=2,outer=T) plot(lenclass,lselect(haddock.fit$x),type="l",xlab="Length (cm)", ylab="Retention probability",main="Haddock selection by 87 mm mesh") abline(h=c(0.25,0.5,0.75),lty=2)