Selectivity software and documentation
Software written by Russell B. Millar.
Also, archive of earlier code witten by Russell B. Millar,
Noel G. Cadigan, Robert J. Fryer and Tadashi Tokai.
Please give credit if using this software.
No warranties etc.
- Next generation R functions
for trawl and net (or hook) selectivity:
August 2015. Not yet documented,
but does contain examples of use.
This code is designed to provide a flexible and user-extendable framework
for size-selectivity via the SELECT model.
For example, the user can easily specify any selectivity curve they wish.
Enhancements on earlier version include calculation of standard errors for
estimated parameters of gillnet selection curves,
and bi-normal and bi-lognormal selection curves for nets.
(Written by R. Millar, Aug 2015)
- R functions for trawl and net (or hook) selectivity:
Fully documented, including a description of all options and the output.
(Code written by R. Millar, July 2003 - Nov 2009)
- FORTRAN code
for fitting selection curves to trouser
(or alternate) trawl data, and LaTeX source code for documentation.
(Code written by R. Millar and N. Cadigan)
- FORTRAN code
for between-haul analysis of covered-codend data,
and WordPerfect documentation.
(Code written by R. Fryer)
- Excel spreadsheets (and documentation)
for fitting selection curves to trouser
(or alternate) trawl data, and for experiments using separator panels.
Includes Word document on analysis of separator-panel experiments.
(Code written by T. Tokai)