Table of Contents
The data are measurements made on the stomach contents of Atlantic Cod. The data set described herein is provided in a colon-delimited ASCII text file format. This is a small sample from a larger data set with more stomach contents and more variables.
Name: region
NGSL means Northern Gulf of St Lawrence, SGSL means Southern Gulf of St LawrenceType: The geographical area where fish were caught.
Name: shipType
Type: integer (min: )
Description: The type of ship (e.g., commercial versus research).
Name: shipID
Type: integer (min: )
Description: Unique ship identifier.
Name: trip
Type: integer (min: )
Description: Trip identifier; unique within a region.
Name: set
Type: real (min: )
Description: Set identifier; unique within a particular ship on a particular trip. A set is, e.g., one set of a fishing net.
Name: fishID
Type: integer (min: )
Description: Unique fish identifier.
Name: fishLength
Type: real (min: 0)
Description: Length of a fish (mm).
Name: preyMass
Type: real (min: 0)
Description: Weight of lump from cod stomach (grams).
Name: preyType
Type: character
Description: Species of lump from cod stomach. Special value Empty means no lumps found in stomach. Rare species gathered together under special label Other.
The data set is provided as a colon-delimited ASCII text file called cod.txt.
The file CodMeta.xml provides a StatDataML description of the data set.