These errata relate to the print version of the book. In most cases, they have been fixed in the online version.
- The caption for Figure 2.6 (page 30) should say "(missing <\title> tag)".
- On pages 66, 67, and 68, the number 2.41421296 should be 1.41421296 (the square root of 2).
- On page 95, "without have to suffer" should be "without having to suffer."
- On page 169, the SQL language is met in Chapter 7 (not "the next chapter").
- On page 175, "that these maximum temperatures occurred" should be "on which this mimimum temperature occurred."
- (Not really an erratum, more of a "note" ...) On page 185, the result of the XPath query for an attribute node has been simplified.
- (Not really an erratum, more of a "note" ...) On page 205, the "Population Clock" case study begins with code to read the HTML code from a web site. Unfortunately, that web site has moved (and been reformatted), so the code will no longer work. However, the code will work again if you replace the URL in the call to readLines() with ""
- On page 263, the xtabs() code is repeated, rather than showing the output from the xtabs() function call.
- On page 275 (Figure 9.6), the date column in the CSV file has the original character values for the dates (rather than character representations of the date class values that were generated on page 272 with the as.Date() function).
- (Not really an erratum, more of a "note" ...) The xlsReadWrite package for reading Excel files into R (Section 9.7.6) is no longer available from CRAN. However, it can still be obtained here.
- On pages 281 to 283, the R code for extracting attribute values from an XML document (using the XML package) no longer works. The online material has been updated to use xmlParse() rather than xmlTreeParse() and getNodeSet() rather than xpathSApply().
- On page 317, third paragraph, "the merge() function" should be "the melt() function".
- On page 358, the breakdown of the code for the calcMonthAvg() function uses 'i' for the argument symbol rather than 'filename' in two places.
- On page 390, the "R Coding Conventions" link no longer works. It has been replaced by a link to Google's R coding conventions.
- On page 397, the URL for has "wwww" rather than "www" (an extra "w").