Add something to GEStrHeight so that can get "full" string height
(including descender) for TYPESETTING text, as well as current
behaviour which only returns string ascent for PLOTTING text.
Get persp() and friends to return a transformation matrix so that users can
annotate 3d plots.
Done (already was?)
Get persp() and friends to take notice of par() args passed down in
the ... argument.
Get vector font text justification to work properly.
Implement vector fonts in mtext() and title(). Work has begun on a more general and more
agreeable font specification
in R (see the Proposal for Specifying Fonts in R)
Make sure that text expressions, and vector fonts can be
used in all text plotting functions; text(), mtext(), axis(), persp() ... Work has begun on a more general and more
agreeable font specification
in R (see the Proposal for Specifying Fonts in R)
Implement X-Splines (as in xfig). [This could be a nice opportunity
to document the R graphics setup; show how an x-splines primitive
gets added to engine.c, plot.c, x-splines.R, ...?] There are some links to articles and source code
on my graphics
Add double-buffering to graphics devices.
Implement lwd=0 a la S-Plus (i.e., the narrowest line width that the
device can manage)
Implement proper line ends and joins (cap, miter, ...).
To see the embarassment of the current situation, try:
lines(1:10, 1:10, lwd=10)
Done in R 2.0.0 (I think). See R News article "Fonts, Lines,
and Transparency" in issue 4/2.
Allow text adjustment for mathematical annotations which is relative
to a text baseline (in addition to the current situation where
adjustment is relative to the bounding box).
From Robert Gentleman ...
"identify on a point that is close to the
edge and has a long label often puts the label in a position where
it is clipped. It might be nice if this code checked to see whether
clipping would interfere..."
Add "x.rev" and "y.rev" pars (or an "origin" par) for
specifying the direction of axis scales (suggested by Stephen Eglen).
It is possible to "fake" this effect using
the fact that
scale ranges can be specified (highest, lowest), but as
Stephen pointed out, this sort of thing
requires the user to know more about what is being plotted than
is perhaps necessary (e.g., in order to reverse the scale you have
to know the limits; in many cases, the user deliberately lets the
system decide the limits so this becomes inconvenient).
Implement multi-line text in vector fonts.
Add documentation to par(din) to identify which value is which (width
or height?) -- name each value? (naming idea extends to par(plt, fig, pin,
fin, ...) too.
Robert Gentleman has modified the documentation.
Add an SVG device for R.
Done (as add-on package) by T. Jake Luciani.
Allow barplot on log scale? (as per R-help request from
Rengie Chan on Wed, 28 Aug 2002). This has been implemented by Marc Schwartz in
a function called barplot2(), currently available in the
gregmisc package
Write a "colorBrewer" package which provides Cindy Brewer's
palettes. Might be able to be done in such a way that it provides
a nice toy example of S4 classes (i.e., using package(methods)). I have verbal permission to use Cindy's
palette specs, but it would probably be a good idea to get
confirmation of this :)
Erich Neuwirth has a package RColorBrewer on
CRAN now -- still possible work there to work on implementation using
S4 classes and include metadata such as appropriateness for colour blind
viewers, use on data projectors, ....
Produce a nice picture for the R Home Page.
We ran a competition and the winning entry
(by Eric Lecoutre) now graces the Home Page.
Incorporate grid's omit-overlapping-text feature into the graphics
engine AND look at providing other "actions" for overlapping text,
such as abbreviating the text, repositioning the text, ...
Look at ways to incorporate text and graphics with R -- worth
doing a solution entirely within an R graphics device?
See R-help threads titled: Include "print" output into plots,
Mixing text and graphics in PDF, Tables in graphics window.
Complete modifications to R's Mosaic plots (with Kurt Hornik).
Especially looking at labelling of mosaic plot.
Done by Kurt and Achim and David (and?) in vcd package