+ Plot with text annotation based on example from Marc-Olivier Beausoleil ... ./simplified.R ... and more complete version ... ./annotate.R + Example from Marc-Olivier Beausoleil ./gif.walking.adaptive.landscape.R The code did NOT fully run for me - the image_animate() call ran out of resources - BUT the PNG frames were built by then so I just ... ffmpeg -i output/adaptive_land.animation/_fitplot.gif/adapt.land.example%03d.png output/adaptive_land.animation.gif ... which is too fast on the initial frames, but ... The animation is not so important to me - I just need one of the frames as an example of a plot that includes a text label that requires some typesetting that appears simple, but actually involves some things that you need LaTeX for (like math and full justification and hyphenation). + Marc-Olivier Beausoleil's original SO post ... ./SO-2023-03.R ... including my response, which produces ... ./demo.png + An older SO post ... ./SO-2021-02.R