\name{feDistantLight} \alias{feDistantLight} \title{ Create a Distant Light Source } \description{ This filter primitive defines a distant light source that can be used within a lighting filter primitive: \code{\link{feDiffuseLighting}} or \code{\link{feSpecularLighting}}. } \usage{ feDistantLight(azimuth = 0, elevation = 0, ...) } \arguments{ \item{azimuth}{ Direction angle for the light source on the x-y plane (clockwise), in degrees from the x axis. } \item{elevation}{ Direction angle for the light source from the x-y plane towards the z axis, in degrees. Note the positive z-axis points towards the viewer of the content. } \item{\dots}{ Further arguments to be passed onto \code{fe}. } } \details{ For more information about this primitive, consult the reference to the SVG specification. } \value{ An \code{fe.distant.light} object. } \references{ \url{http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/filters.html#feDistantLightElement} } \author{ Simon Potter } \seealso{ \code{\link{filterEffect}}, \code{\link{fe}}, \code{\link{feDiffuseLighting}}, \code{\link{feSpecularLighting}}. }