\name{getSVGFonts} \alias{getSVGFonts} \alias{setSVGFonts} \title{ Manage SVG fonts } \description{ These functions control the SVG font stacks that are used when exporting text to SVG. } \usage{ getSVGFonts() setSVGFonts(fontStacks) } \arguments{ \item{fontStacks}{A list of font stacks (typically the modified result from \code{getSVGFonts()}). } } \details{ \code{getSVGFonts()} returns a list of three font stacks called \code{serif}, \code{sans}, and \code{mono}. The user can modify the values in each stack and then reset the stacks by calling \code{setSVGFonts()} (a default value will always be forced at the end of each font stack). } \value{ A list (for \code{getSVGFonts()}). } \author{ Simon Potter } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ dplot }