\name{grid.hyperlink} \alias{grid.hyperlink} \alias{hyperlinkGrob} \title{ Associate a hyperlink with a grid grob } \description{ Creates a linked.grob object which is a normal grid grob, with a hyperlink attached. Useful in conjunction with \code{grid.export}, to produce an SVG document with hyperlinked graphical elements. } \usage{ grid.hyperlink(path, href, show=NULL, group=TRUE, redraw=FALSE, strict=FALSE, grep=FALSE, global=FALSE) hyperlinkGrob(x, href, show=NULL, group=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ A grob to add a hyperlink to. } \item{path}{ A grob path specifying a drawn grob. } \item{href}{ A valid Xlink URI. Can be a vector of several links (see \code{group} argument below). } \item{show}{ A character vector specifying how the link should be opened. \code{NULL} and \code{""} will avoid adding an attribute. The most common cases are to use \code{"new"} to open a link in a new window/tab, or \code{"replace"} to open the link in the current window/tab. } \item{group}{ A logical indicating whether the hyperlinks should be attached to the overall parent group for the relevant SVG element, or to individual SVG elements. } \item{redraw}{ A logical value to indicate whether to redraw the grob. } \item{strict}{ A boolean indicating whether the \code{path} must be matched exactly. } \item{grep}{ Whether the \code{path} should be treated as a regular expression. } \item{global}{ A boolean indicating whether the function should affect just the first match of the \code{path}, or whether all matches should be affected. } } \value{ A linked.grob object. } \author{ Paul Murrell } \seealso{ \code{\link{grid.export}} } \keyword{ dplot }