\name{grid.script} \alias{grid.script} \alias{scriptGrob} \title{ Create a grid grob containing an SVG script} \description{ Creates a script object which is a normal grid grob containing an SVG script. Useful in conjunction with \code{grid.export}, to produce an SVG document with script elements. } \usage{ scriptGrob(script=NULL, filename=NULL, type="application/ecmascript", inline=FALSE, name=NULL) grid.script(...) } \arguments{ \item{script}{ A character value specifying script code. } \item{filename}{ The name of a file that contains script code. } \item{type}{ The type of the script code. } \item{inline}{ A logical specifying whether the script code from the file should be included inline or just referenced. } \item{name}{ A character value giving a name for the grob. } \item{\dots}{ Arguments to be passed into \code{scriptGrob}. } } \value{ A script.grob object. } \author{ Paul Murrell } \seealso{ \code{\link{grid.export}} } \keyword{ dplot }