\name{gridSVG.newpage} \alias{gridSVG.newpage} \title{ Move to a New Page on a gridSVG Device } \description{ This function erases the current device or moves to a new page. In addition, it clears any definitions of referenced content defined by gridSVG. } \usage{ gridSVG.newpage(wipeRefs = TRUE, recording = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{wipeRefs}{ A logical value that determines whether referenced content should be deleted. } \item{recording}{ A logical value to indicate whether the new-page operation should be saved onto the Grid display list. } } \details{ When creating a gridSVG image, it is possible to create referenced content. An example is pattern fills. This function should be used in order to remove the definitions of referenced content. } \value{ None. } \author{ Simon Potter }