\name{gridsvg} \alias{gridsvg} \alias{dev.off} \title{ gridSVG Graphics Device } \description{ Provides a convenient and familiar graphics device interface for the gridSVG package. } \usage{ gridsvg(name = "Rplots.svg", exportCoords = c("none", "inline", "file"), exportMappings = c("none", "inline", "file"), exportJS = c("none", "inline", "file"), res = NULL, prefix = "", addClasses = FALSE, indent = TRUE, htmlWrapper = FALSE, usePaths = c("vpPaths", "gPaths", "none", "both"), uniqueNames = TRUE, annotate = TRUE, progress = FALSE, compression = 0, strict = TRUE, rootAttrs = NULL, xmldecl = xmlDecl(), ...) dev.off(which = dev.cur()) } \arguments{ \item{name, exportCoords, exportMappings, exportJS, res, prefix, addClasses, indent, htmlWrapper, usePaths, uniqueNames, annotate, progress, compression, strict, rootAttrs, xmldecl}{ These parameters are passed onto \code{\link{grid.export}}. } \item{\dots}{ Further parameters that are passed onto a \code{NULL} \code{\link{pdf}} graphics device. Useful parameters include \code{width} and \code{height}. } \item{which}{ An integer specifying a device number. } } \details{ These functions provide a more familiar and perhaps convenient interface to gridSVG than \code{\link{grid.export}}. It uses a PDF device as drawing occurs, but when the device needs to be written out (via \code{dev.off}) then it will save an SVG image instead. When a grid display list is not in use, or any device other than the \code{gridsvg} device is used, the behaviour of \code{dev.off} is the same as \code{\link[grDevices]{dev.off}} from the \code{grDevices} package. } \value{ \code{gridsvg} returns nothing. \code{dev.off} will return in the same manner as \code{\link{grid.export}}. A list is always returned, but invisibly when an invalid filename is given. } \author{ Simon Potter } \seealso{ \code{\link{pdf}} and \code{\link{grid.export}}. }