S-PLUS / R: Complementing and Extending Statistical
Computing for SAS Users |
This course is designed for users who want to
learn how to complement and extend statistical computing of
SAS with the S or R system. The course will give SAS users a
strong foundation for becoming a versatile programmer.
Benefits |
- create and manipulate data
- use the graphical features of the software to explore
- create and enhance different kinds of plots
- fit advanced statistical models
- write functions and extend the systems for new data
Course Topics |
Day 1
- An Overview of resources: installation and
demonstration, the R project/core; CRAN; the distribution
for UNIX and windows systems; the package concept;
literature: Venables and Ripley, Chambers and Hastie,
other publications.
- A Comparison of R and S-PLUS
- Quick review of the SAS environment: the OS interface,
the data step, macros, procs, reports. Issues of data
archiving with SSD format; interfaces to DBMS
- Data manipulations in S and R (data frame and matrix
operations) and SAS (the data step) -- issues of
importing, formatting, transformation, cataloging,
- Functions vs macros in SAS for programming repetitive
- The iteration models of SAS vs whole-object modeling
Day 2
- Statistical modeling support in R/S vs SAS PROCS.
- Integrated documentation and example processing in
- Post-processing of function output in R/S vs OUTPUT
datasets in SAS.
- Specific comparisons: linear modeling, glms, gees,
- Report Writing
- Extending the systems for new data structures and new
Course Format |
This course consists of a series of short
lectures with demonstrations and interactive sessions for
the participants. Each student is provided with bound copies
of the notes and a CD-ROM containing all examples and
exercises used on the course.
Duration and
Prerequisites |
Duration: 2 days
Before attending this course, you should have some basic
knowledge of SAS
- Data step, procs and macros
- statistical modeling
Interested in our training? Please email the
Training Department XLSolutions Corporation
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