Getting to Know Grid Graphics
System Requirements
The code used in this course should work on any platform
(Windows, MacOS X, or Linux), but you should make sure
you have installed ...
A recent version of R, ideally 3.2.0.
A recent version of lattice, ideally 0.20-30 or newer.
A recent version of ggplot2, ideally 1.0.0 or newer.
A recent version of gridGraphics, ideally 0.1-3.
A recent version of gridSVG, ideally 1.4-4 (which you can get
from R-Forge).
Some of the images in the slides also make use of vcd,
png, and gridGraphviz, but we will not explicitly
work with those packages in the course.
The slides
for the course, including exercises, and
a PDF version
that might be nicer for printing.
Both of those files are a bit hefty due to some large-ish images.
There is also a tar ball bundle
of everything, including all of the source files, in
case you are interested (and that is even heftier!).
R Code
Some R code from the slides to hopefully make your life a bit easier:
R code for examples from the slides
(a tidier script than you get from tangling the slide source).
R code templates for exercises.
You can run a section of this code to do the set up for each exercise
and then just add your own 'grid' code to get the answer.
R code model answers for exercises,
in case you want to study those
as part of your preparation for the course.
An R function formatVPTree() that
produces tidier output from the 'grid' function current.vpTree().
You should source() this into your R session if you want to try
out the current.vpTree() examples in the slides.