A set of instructions for starting VIT and using it for a simple example are here

DATA mode
The VIT modules open to a control window with the “Data” tab selected. Get started by loading some data.

Click on Import Data and follow the data import dialogue to import your data. It will appear in the data view when it is loaded.

Drag the names of one or two variables from the top of the spread sheet onto the drop boxes at the bottom of the command screen

A plotting window will appear with a plot appropriate to the selected variable(s)

Switch to Analysis mode
The VIT modules open to a control window with the “Data” tab selected. Get started by loading some data.

After loading your data click on the Analyse tab

The Data Analysis Control Panel will appear

As parameters are selected on the control panel, the results will show in the corresponding graphics window panel


ANIMATIONS  To initiate Panel 2 and Panel 3 animations, select a radio button for 1, 50, 20 or 1000 repetitions and press Go

Controlling the Display


Choose your parameters then click "Record my choices". This records the Quantity (e.g. Mean)whose behaviour is to be investigated


Explore the effect of the operation (e.g. random sampling) on data plots, tracking the behaviour of Quantity over repetitions


Represents the behaviour of the selected Quantity as a distribution

Choosing the number of repetitions

Panel 2 1 or 5 repetitions emphasise the nature of operation

20 or 1000 emphasise the effect of operation

Panel 3 1 or 5 repetitions emphasise the relationship between Panel 2 and Panel 3 representations

20 or 1000 emphasise the building up of the distribution


To initiate an animation, choose a number of repetitions and click on the associated Go. When an animation begins, the label on the Go button changes to Pause. Press to pause the animation. The button label will then change to Play. Press to resume the running of the animation.


This is a reset button at the top right of the window. It stops the animation completely and returns to the state following "Record my Choices"

The File Menu
Save graphics: Save the contents of the graphics window as a file (bmp, jpg, pdf, png of TIFF)
Home: Return to iNZightVIT Home screen
Reload Module: Restart module clearing memory. Useful if VIT seems to have hung>
VIT Modules: Select another VIT module
Quit: Quit VIT and R>