DanishWelfare | R Documentation |
Data from the Danish Welfare Study.
A data frame with 180 observations and 5 variables.
factor indicating daily alcohol consumption: less than 1 unit (<1), 1-2 units (1-2) or more than 2 units (>2). 1 unit is approximately 1 bottle of beer or 4cl 40% alcohol.
factor indicating income group in 1000 DKK (0-50, 50-100, 100-150, >150).
factor indicating marriage status (Widow, Married, Unmarried).
factor indicating urbanization: Copenhagen (Copenhagen), Suburbian Copenhagen (SubCopenhagen), three largest cities (LargeCity), other cities (City), countryside (Country).
E. B. Andersen (1991), The Statistical Analysis of Categorical Data, page 205.
E. B. Andersen (1991), The Statistical Analysis of Categorical Data. 2nd edition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
data("DanishWelfare") ftable(xtabs(Freq ~ ., data = DanishWelfare))