Employment | R Documentation |
Data from a 1974 Danish study given by Andersen (1991) on the employees who had been laid off. The workers are classified by their employment status on 1975-01-01, the cause of their layoff and the length of employment before they were laid off.
A 3-dimensional array resulting from cross-tabulating variables for 1314 employees. The variables and their levels are as follows:
No | Name | Levels |
1 | EmploymentStatus | NewJob, Unemployed |
2 | EmploymentLength | <1Mo, 1-3Mo, 3-12Mo, 1-2Yr, 2-5Yr, >5Yr |
3 | LayoffCause | Closure, Replaced |
Michael Friendly (2000), Visualizing Categorical Data, pages 126–129.
E. B. Andersen (1991), The Statistical Analysis of Categorical Data. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
M. Friendly (2000), Visualizing Categorical Data. SAS Institute, Cary, NC.
data("Employment") ## Employment Status mosaic(Employment, expected = ~ LayoffCause * EmploymentLength + EmploymentStatus, main = "Layoff*EmployLength + EmployStatus") mosaic(Employment, expected = ~ LayoffCause * EmploymentLength + LayoffCause * EmploymentStatus, main = "Layoff*EmployLength + Layoff*EmployStatus") ## Stratified view grid.newpage() pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(ncol = 2))) pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col = 1)) ## Closure mosaic(Employment[,,1], main = "Layoff: Closure", newpage = FALSE) popViewport(1) pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col = 2)) ## Replaced mosaic(Employment[,,2], main = "Layoff: Replaced", newpage = FALSE) popViewport(2)