PreSex | R Documentation |
Data from Thornes \& Collard (1979), reported in Gilbert (1981), on pre- and extra-marital sex and divorce.
A 4-dimensional array resulting from cross-tabulating 1036 observations on 4 variables. The variables and their levels are as follows:
No | Name | Levels |
1 | MaritalStatus | Divorced, Married |
2 | ExtramaritalSex | Yes, No |
3 | PremaritalSex | Yes, No |
4 | Gender | Women, Men |
Michael Friendly (2000), Visualizing Categorical Data:
G. N. Gilbert (1981), Modelling Society: An Introduction to Loglinear Analysis for Social Researchers. Allen and Unwin, London.
B. Thornes \& J. Collard (1979), Who Divorces?. Routledge \& Kegan, London.
M. Friendly (2000), Visualizing Categorical Data. SAS Institute, Cary, NC.
data("PreSex") ## Mosaic display for Gender and Premarital Sexual Experience ## (Gender Pre) mosaic(margin.table(PreSex, c(3,4)), main = "Gender and Premarital Sex") ## (Gender Pre)(Extra) mosaic(margin.table(PreSex, c(2,3,4)), expected = ~Gender * PremaritalSex + ExtramaritalSex , main = "PreMaritalSex*Gender +Sex") ## (Gender Pre Extra)(Marital) mosaic(PreSex, expected = ~Gender*PremaritalSex*ExtramaritalSex + MaritalStatus, main = "PreMarital*ExtraMarital + MaritalStatus") ## (GPE)(PEM) mosaic(PreSex, expected = ~ Gender * PremaritalSex * ExtramaritalSex + MaritalStatus * PremaritalSex * ExtramaritalSex, main = "G*P*E + P*E*M")