iNZight User Guides

Here you can find documentation and tutorials for using iNZight.

Table of Contents
  1. The Basics

    Learn how to start iNZight, import a data set, and create your first graphs.

  2. Interface

    Quickly find help for various parts of the iNZight window

  3. File Menu

    Getting data into and out of iNZight (Import, Paste, Examples, Export); Preferences=program controls

  4. Dataset Menu

    Organise and restructure your data, specify special structures, and filter out unwanted observations

  5. Variables Menu

    Convert variables to new types, create new variables, and rename existing ones

  6. Plot Menu

    Discover more about your data by colouring by levels of a factor, or adjust how your plot looks by specifying colours and customising labels.

  7. Advanced (Modules) Menu

    "Advanced" modules catering for specialized forms of data

  8. Extra Features

    Get to know some of iNZight's extra features!

Download User Guides as a PDF (links and videos do not work): iNZight_User_Guide.pdf.