Getting started with iNZight

The first thing you'll need to do after having downloaded and installed iNZight will be to launch iNZight. This process varies slightly depending on the operating system you are using.


When you installed iNZight, the installer should have created desktop icons. Just double-click on iNZight to launch the program.

Alternatively, you can start iNZight by going to Start > iNZightVIT (you might need to go to All Programs first) > iNZight.

Mac OS X

iNZight on Mac is located in Applications > iNZightVIT.

You can start iNZight by double-clicking on iNZight.

Unknown Developer Warning

If you're unable to start iNZight due to an "Unknown Developer" warning, simply Right-click the iNZight icon, and click Open. In the window that pops up, click Open to allow iNZight to run.

You should only have to do this the first time you start iNZight.