RELEASE DATE: 1 October 2015
new argument added for dotplots to allow group labels to be
placed inside the plot, rather than in the axis margin: internal.labels=TRUE
fix how viewports are named
fix a bug that prevented comparison lines to be drawn on categorical dotplots
fix a bug where adding comparison intervals would break the plot if any of the subgroups in a dotplot were too small. New behaviour ignores small groups and only compares large ones.
continuing from 2.3.3, but now use independent covariances
FIX for Lite: dotplots by factor labels now also on histograms
fix the "number of missing observations" shown in summary output
no longer redraws dotplots; instead, passes a logical attribute for whether or not the scaling has changed (and therefore that the plot should be redrawn).
fix bug in colby
if the variable has only one unique value
RELEASE DATE: 14 September 2015
confidence intervals for histograms and bar plots
comparison intervals for histograms broken down by a factor
summary information for all basic plots (histograms, bar plots, and scatter plots)
fixes a bug where missing information on barplots and scatter plots would cause the plotting function to die
fixes a bug in the printing of summary objects
fixes a bug where the minimum value of a single numeric variable summary was ommited
and various other small bug fixes
RELEASE DATE: 04 August 2015
allow zooming of plots with the new zoom
argument. Works for both univariate and bivariate plots, and a
related funcionality for 'zooming in' on bars in a barplot.
fix a bug that occurs when all survey weights are equal
RELEASE DATE: 03 August 2015
fix an issue where requesting summary of 'dotplots' resulted in creating a new device, which resulted in errors on the Shiny server.
RELEASE DATE: 27 July 2015
additional arguments 'xlim' and 'ylim' allow users to specify the range of values shown on the plot
several issues for dotplots have been fixed
weighting variable used when drawing a scatter plot of survey data
now corresponds to Year 12 intervals in dot plot
inferences (previously, comp
corresponded to this interval)
RELEASE DATE: 01 July 2015
fix up the order of bars in segmented bar plots to correspond to the legend
RELEASE DATE: 24 June 2015
remove facility where the colour-by variable is ignored if there are 'too many' levels—this is now left up to users to decide if colour by a particular variable makes sense of not.
RELEASE DATE: 16 June 2015
Dotplot locating implemented using new methodology, with the additional argument 'label.extreme = numeric(2)', allowing users to specify how many lower and upper points to identify, respectively.
equivalently, extreme points (by using Mahalanobis' distance) can be labelled on scatter plots using 'label.extreme = numeric(1)'.
fixed a small bug that stopped inference from working in dotplots when 'x' is a factor and 'y' is the numeric variable.
fix a bug that caused 'nbins = 0' in some cases.
Release Date: 26 May 2015
The entire package has been rewritten to accomodate complex survey designs. At present, survey objects are not fully supported, however the functionality will be added over time.
A huge reduction in computation requirements for plots to increase efficiency.
Algorithms used to compute inference intervals have been modified to use iNZightMR for comparisons.
lots of other changes to layout and presentation
added additional arguments locate
(and others) for locating points by IDs.
This is used in the improved locator functinoality in the main
arguments have been
replaced by colby
and sizeby
documentation has been added for several of the functions (finally!)
specifying ‘g2.level' with numbers wasn’t working, has been fixed for plots, summary and inference information.
added more space to the y-axis on scatter plots
An error where the response was printed instead of the x-variable name in summary output for quadratic curves has been fixed.
The type of plot used can be specified by setting the 'largesample' argument. When set to 'TRUE', it uses the histogram or grid-density plot; when 'FALSE' it uses the dotplot or scatter plot. If set to 'NULL', it uses the sample size to determine which plot to draw (default).
To allow identification features and any additional features to be added to plots afterwards, the last viewport is the one surrounding the main plot (excluding the plot labels and legend). Note that this only works if the data haven't been broken down by 'g1'.
Display which variables cannot be plot due to too many levels, as well as the number of levels, when attempting to draw bar plot. (max levels = 101).
Trend lines and smoothers added to the legend.
Alternative method of shading grid-tiles on the grid-density plot using quantiles rather than absolute counts. This prevents large counts having too large of an influence.
A bug where the grid-density plot is not using the correct scale has been fixed.
New major release of iNZightPlots released, completely rewritten using 'grid'.