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Change Log for iNZightRegression

Changes in version 1.1.4

Release date: 20 July 2015


  • added an extra argument use.inzightplots to the plotting functions that allows users to enabled/disable the use of them as desired. Currently, the default is FALSE as the latest version of iNZightPlots is incompatible with iNZightRegression.


  • added missed function and method exports

Changes in version 1.1.3

Release date: 17 September 2014


  • on some graphics devices (eg. RStudio) grid.rect() is not transparent - now enforces these to be transparent

Changes in version 1.1.2

Release date: 4 April 2014


  • Continuing on from previous update, the partial residual plots are now modified to make use of the 'iNZightPlots' library if it is installed.

Changes in version 1.1.1

Release date: 27 March 2014


  • Residual summary plots from 'plotlm6' can now make use of the 'iNZightPlots' graphics rather than the defaults. It requires the user to have 'iNZightPlots' installed to work, but reverts to the old plots if it is not.

  • In the new 'grid' based plots, quantile smoothers are used rather than loess smoothers. This greatly increases efficiency when large data sets are analysed.


  • Maximum sample size for drawing bootstraps implemented (currently at 4000), as over this they don't provide much information (this can be overridded by 'showBootstraps = TRUE').

  • p-values for normality test are printed as "P < 0.001" rather than "P = 0".


  • Shapiro Wilk test not used if sample size > 5000 (resulted in an error).

Changes in version 1.1

Release date: 18 January 2014


  • Support for generalised lienar models (GLMs) and 'svyglm' objects from the 'survey' package.

  • Changes to the 'iNZightSummary' output include:

    • Output now hides output of counfounding variables through the 'exclude' argument, and lists these at the top of the output.

    • Displays the type of fit (e.g., Suvey / Generalised Linear / Model).

  • The QQ-plot array has been replaced by a single plot with the parametric bootstrap data QQ-plots all on a single plot, overlaid by the QQ plot of the true data (this was suggested by Thomas Lumley).


  • The Histogram Array has been rewritten using 'grid', and minimises margin whitespace and draws simulated histograms in a different color.


  • The bootstrap models functions have been re-written to account for the 'design' option in survey GLMs, as well as the case when the GLM binomial response is SUCCESS / N.TRIALS. This caused errors in the 'fit$model' that was previously being used.

  • The bootstrap lines from 'plotlm6' have been fixed so that they now work for '(svy)glm' objects. There is also an optional cut-off if the sample size becomes too small (which can be overridden by the 'showBootstraps = TRUE|FALSE' argument.

  • 'factorMeans' and 'adjustedMeans' have be fixed so they work for GLMs.

Changes in version 1.0.2-20130913


  • Initial support for generalised linear models (GLMs), including the ‘survey' package’s 'svyglm'.

Changes in version 1.0.2-20130122


  • First release of new package. Contains model fitting subset used for the 'iNZight' package.

  • Added 'histogramArray' and 'qqplotArray' plots to show how residuals from a model compare to the residuals *generated* from that model.

  • New margin of error calculation functions. Initially written by Danny Chang. Used for comparison between levels of a factor. 'moecalc' has a few standard methods that can be used: 'print', 'plot', and 'summary'. In addition, a 'multicomp' method has been added which is a useful tabulation of multiple comparison output. Note however with 'multicomp' that the p-values are currently *unadjusted*.

  • New summary output, 'iNZightSummary'. Includes several changes compared to the R-base model summary output. These include the following:

    • Now showing the factor itself in the output, not just rows for coefficients for levels of the factor.

    • When a factor is included in a model, the summary output will show the name of the factor and show the p-value for the factor (based on Type-III sums of squares). This p-value is not affected by further use of the factor (i.e. in an interaction). Sometimes this p-value cannot be calculated (i.e. when there are unobserved factor level combinations) and the p-value will be omitted.

    • The baseline level of a factor is now shown, with an estimate of 0.

    • All p-value output for levels of a factor is indented to the right by two characters to distinguish it from being a level.

    • The output for each factor level is now just the level name and not the name of the variable concatenated with the level name. The level name is also indented by two characters, again to distinguish it from the variable itself.

    • Removing F-statistic and associated p-value as it's mostly useless. It only shows us whether nothing is correlated with the response variable, i.e. whether we're completely wasting our time.

    • Removed model call output and residual output. Replaced with "Model for:" (plus response name).

  • Added a new 'plot.lm' function. The main difference being that it includes bootstrapped smoothers in its output as well as the regular trend lines. Also includes plots based on the 's20x' package's 'normcheck' function.

  • Added partial residual plots. Most useful for determining whether the inclusion of a transformation of a variable is necessary. For example, adding a logged or polynomial explanatory variable to the model.

  • Adding bootstrapped estimates to 'iNZightSummary'. Accessed by calling the function with 'method="bootstrap"'.


  • Using 'loess' for smoothers instead of 'lowess' (newer and more robust).