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iNZight FAQ: Windows Installation Issues

I don't understand zip files and don't know what to do with know what to do with iNZightVIT-latest-zipfile

This video shows how to drag the iNZightVIT folder (the one we want to use) out of iNZightVIT-latest-zipfile

I'm getting the error: 'Windows cannot find 'prog_files/bin/i386/Rgui.exe'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.'

This is typically due to permissions on the computer. Often, iNZight will not be allowed to run from the Desktop. Instead, you can copy the iNZightVIT folder to somewhere on the C:/ drive and run it from there.

If you still see the error message, you can try running iNZight from a USB stick (simply copy the folder to one and run from there).

Failing this, you may need to follow one of the options below.

I can't get iNZight to run, even from a memory stick!

If you are using an institutionally-owned computer, it may have overly high security settings which are preventing iNZight from running. To allow iNZight to run, you will need to ask an administrator to:

You can use this shortcut to start iNZight.

My school disables .bat files; how can I make iNZightVIT available to students?