Invited Talk, ANZSC 2021, July 6
"Making R-based modelling more accessible with iNZight"
- Slides (~40Mb) (.pptx) (These slides contain videos which play automatically in presentation mode)
- Video of talk (24 mins)
- Wild, C.J., Elliott, T. and Sporle, A. (2021). On Democratizing Data Science: Some iNZights into empowering the many. Harvard Data Science Review, 3(2),
- Main iNZight paper (draft) (downloads from Github)
- Civic Statistics and iNZight: illustrations of some design principles for educational software. Preprint of Chapter 10 in Statistics for Empowerment and Social Engagement: teaching Civic Statistics for informed citizenship, J. Ridgway, Ed., Springer, Berlin, to appear early 2022.
(iNZight is free data analysis software that emphasizes visualisation)
(online version of iNZight; needs no installation)
- Intro exercises for iNZight, iNZight Lite and calling iNZight functions from R
( link to this page: )