[NZAMT is the
New Zealand Association of Mathematics Teachers (school level)]
Keynote Talk: "Through a Glass Darkly" 
- YouTube Video
- Slides (pdf, 4-up)
- Directly related to talk ...
- The "I have a dream about ..." sequence that didn't print on the slides is in "Lucid dreams about the future" that appeared as pp. 458-461 of the 2018 Springer book International Handbook of Research in Statistics Education
- Network data video, Data on Maps video plus Webpage version
- Andrew Sporle's Keynote from 2020 Statistics Teachers Day, "The Statistical Adventures of a non-Statistician: Why statistical literacy is the real data revolution"
- Slides
- Video (screen capture missed the first couple of minutes)
- Wild, C.J., Elliott, T. and Sporle, A. (2021). On Democratizing Data Science: Some iNZights into empowering the many. Harvard Data Science Review, 3(2), https://hdsr.mitpress.mit.edu/pub/8fxt1zop/release/1.
- Civic Statistics and iNZight: illustrations of some design principles for educational software. Preprint of Chapter 10 in Statistics for Empowerment and Social Engagement: teaching Civic Statistics for informed citizenship, J. Ridgway, Ed., Springer, Berlin, to appear late 2022.
- Drafts of new papers (scroll down about a page)
- 2022 ASA Webinar "Obtaining insights from Census At School data using iNZight Lite" (Video + slides + ...
- "Oh Say Can You See?" This video is about statistical graphics and elements of statistical graphics. It is a little like “Peter and the Wolf” in that each graphic element has its own theme tune (music clip) and each time that element is used that theme plays to underscore it. It has been used a number of times including as a segment of a Keynote at the International Conference on Teaching of Statistics in Japan in 2018 and the US Conference on Teaching Statistics in 2017.
- Video (Unfortunately the screen capture was at a very low resolution so don’t play on full screen!)
- Slides (4 per page)
- Slides (1 per page)
(bit.ly link to this page:
https://bit.ly/nzamt22 )