The VGAMdata package, which contains some of the more bigger data sets originally placed in the VGAM package, complements my book. There are also some older VGAM family functions too, which have been replaced by newer ones that often treat the old one as a special case. VGAMdata is also on CRAN. This website is not 'official' but it does tend to have the latest version.

These have been tested 'okay' for R version 4.4.1 (Linux and Windows).

Thanks to Uwe Ligges for his Win-Builder web page.

VGAMdata for Linux etc

[ 1.4 MB gzipped tar file (VGAMdata_1.1-13.tar.gz) ]

VGAMdata for Windows (32+64-bit)

[ 2.5 MB zip file ( ]

Last modified: Sat 30 Nov 2024 22:32:19 NZDT

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