R scripts for Vector Generalized Linear and Additive Models: With an Implementation in R

They are broken down by chapter:
  • ch01.R Chapter 1: Introduction
  • ch02.R Chapter 2: LMs, GLMs and GAMs
  • ch03.R Chapter 3: VGLMs
  • ch04.R Chapter 4: VGAMs
  • ch05.R Chapter 5: Reduced-Rank VGLMs
  • ch06.R Chapter 6: Constrained Quadratic Ordination
  • ch07.R Chapter 7: Constrained Additive Ordination
  • ch08.R Chapter 8: Using the VGAM Package
  • ch09.R Chapter 9: Other Topics
  • ch10.R Chapter 10: Some LM and GLM Variants
  • ch11.R Chapter 11: Univariate Discrete Distributions
  • ch12.R Chapter 12: Univariate Continuous Distributions
  • ch13.R Chapter 13: Bivariate Continuous Distributions
  • ch14.R Chapter 14: Categorical Data Analysis
  • ch15.R Chapter 15: Quantile and Expectile Regression
  • ch16.R Chapter 16: Extremes
  • ch17.R Chapter 17: Zero-inflated, Zero-altered and Positive Discrete Distributions
  • ch18.R Chapter 18: On VGAM Family Functions

Last modified: Fri Dec 15 09:40:26 NZDT 2017

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