Attendees of IASS 55
Please note: this list is taken from the registrations. Some names are missing that should be included, and some names are included which should be omitted.

J N K Rao

Danny Pffefferman

Guest of Honour
- Prof. Alastair Scott
Invited Speakers
Please refer to the list of presented papers to see what papers were delivered.
- Prof David Brillinger
- Prof Raymond Carroll
- Prof Ray Chambers
- Prof Peter Davis
- Prof Wayne Fuller
- Prof Steve Haslett
- Prof Tim Holt
- Prof Jack Kalbfleisch
- Dr Graham Kalton
- Prof Alan Lee , The University of Auckland
- Prof Don McLeish
- Prof John Neuhaus
- Prof Danny Pfeffermann
- Prof J.N.K. Rao
- Prof Fred Smith
- Prof Chris Wild , The University of Auckland
Additional Speakers
- Mr Philip Bell , Australian Bureau of Statistics
- Dr Robert Clark , University of Wollongong
- Dr Alan Dorfman , U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Miss Lourdes Homecillo , National Statistics Office, Philippines
- Prof Partha Lahiri , University of Maryland
- Prof Guoying Li , Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, The Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Prof Tony Pettitt , QUT
Alphabetical List
- Dr. Pramod Adhikari
- Mr. Abdul Ali
- Mrs. Judith Archibald
- Dr. Andrew Balemi
- Mr. Philip Bell
- Mr. Gordon Brackstone
- Prof. David Brillinger
- Prof. Göran Broström
- Dr. Brian Browning
- Dr. Sharon Browning
- Mr. Hugh Butcher
- Prof. Raymond Carroll
- Prof. Ray Chambers
- Miss. Xenia Chen
- Dr. Robert Clark
- Mrs. Pat Coope
- Miss. Jocelyn Cumming
- Dr. James Curran
- Prof. Neville Davies
- Prof. Peter Davis
- Mr. Mike Doherty
- Dr. Alan Dorfman
- Prof. Tim Dunne
- Prof. Wayne Fuller
- Mr. Alistair Gray
- Mr. hosein hasani
- Prof. Steve Haslett
- Mr. Yuichi Hirose
- Prof. Tim Holt
- Miss. Lourdes Homecillo
- Mr. Jarkko Isotalo
- Dr. Yannan Jiang
- Prof. Jack Kalbfleisch
- Dr. Graham Kalton
- Mr. Mike Keall
- Prof. Partha Lahiri
- Prof. Alan Lee
- Mrs. Arier Lee
- Prof. Guoying Li
- Mr. John Lopdell
- Prof. Brian McArdle
- Prof. Don McLeish
- Dr. Patricia Metcalf
- Prof. John Neuhaus
- Miss. Karyn Newton
- Dr. Ula Nur
- Mr. Richard Penny
- Prof. Tony Pettitt
- Prof. Danny Pfeffermann
- Dr. Simo Puntanen
- Prof. J.N.K. Rao
- Mr. James Reilly
- Mrs. Elizabeth Robinson
- Mrs. Judi Scheffer
- Dr. Katrina Sharples
- Prof. Fred Smith
- Dr. George Styan
- Mr. Manuila Tausi
- Prof. Chris Triggs
- Miss. Jennifer Tsu-Yun Tso
- Mr. Temaleti Tupou
- Dr. Yong Wang
- Dr. Elisabeth Wells
- Prof. Chris Wild
- Prof. Kirk Wolter
- Prof. Keith Worsley
- Prof. Qiguang Wu
- Dr. Thomas Yee
- Mrs. Irene Zeng
- Dr. Ilze Ziedins
Enquiries to: Chris Wild