Midterm 2014 will cover Chaps 1-4 and the bits of
Chapters 12 and 13 noted below
Overview of examinable material in 2014
- Chapters 1-4
- Section 5.2 (Newton-Raphson algorithm)
- Section 6.4 (Mark-recapture models)
- Chapter 7
- Sections 10.1-10.4, and 10.6. (do not need to know how to implement in SAS or ADMB,
but do need to know how to formulate the joint density f(y,u))
- Lemmas 12.1 and 12.2 (need to be able to provide key arguments in the proofs)
- Section 13.5.1 (Jensen's inequality)
Exclusions (non-examinable bits) in 2014
- You will not be required to programme in SAS or ADMB.
- Box 3.3.
- Box 4.2.
- Box 7.3.
- Box 7.5.